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New York by Night

New York City. The Big Apple. The City of Dreams. The Five Boroughs.

It has MANY names to the world, but to the Kindred of the Night it is just the City that Never Sleeps. Nowhere else can Kindred live such normal lives. So it should come as no surprise that this city holds more denizens of the night than any other in the world.

Originally it was just the Camarilla here, after the Europeans pushed out the Native people, but it rapidly grew too fast for even the might of the Tower to hold all to themselves, and by the start of the 19th century there was already intrusions from former Archons and Independent Kindred. It wasn't until the late 1800's that the Tower was officially pushed off of Staten Island, and Long Island not long after.

By the end of World War Two the Tower found themselves pushed into just Lower Manhattan, where they would remain for some time until the 90's during the War of Wall Street. The so called War was a pushback from newer and more proactive members of the Ivory Tower, led by the future Prince Jane Belfort. During this time Jane would lead a large coalition against the former Archon and one of the Barons of New York, Marius LaFontaine Del Porcellino, whom had grown lax in his duties to his Barony.

Shortly after this, and Belfort's ascension to Prince of Manhattan, a peace was brokered between the remaining Barons, the Tower, and a Council of Independent Clans.

The Tower would keep Manhattan.

The Anarchs would officially hold Brooklyn.

The Independent Clans would have Queens to split up.

The Church of the Sabbat would keep Staten Island as neutral territory open to ALL kindred.

And the Bronx would be open to ANY who were strong enough to hold it.

Of course, a peace is only as strong as those who seek to defend it. There are bumps in the night, those whom talk, and whispers of those who wish for more than what was agreed…

Game Information

Rules and Homebrew


Player Characters


Map of New York