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The Camarilla have taken control of all of Manhattan, and their power politically, financially, and supernaturally is a constant threat to the others. They consider everyone in the city to technically be in the Camarilla, using this as an excuse to soften their stance on the actions of the others. As part of their outreach, they are more than willing to listen to requests from anyone in the city, and have managed to win over more than a few members of other sects by being able to provide what others could not: stability, safety, and personal success. The current Prince has done away with tyrannical demands of blood bonds and promises of fealty in favor of contracts and business deals. Their current strategy is to take the fights out of the streets and into the boardroom. Any actions, violent or otherwise, are made with an eye for deniability.

Prince: Jane Belfort(assumed name)


Sire: Unknown

Clan/Bloodline: Gangrel

Gen: 7

Allegience: Camarilla

Age: 349

Apparent Age: 21

Hair color: Jet Black

Eye color: Bright Green

Merits: Early Riser, Calm Heart, coldly Logical, Entrepreneur, Mark of the Beast

Flaws: Glowing eyes (Green), unblinking, Territorial

Road: Humanity

Background: Little is known about Jane before she showed up within the Camarilla one day in the 1970's, going just by the name Jane Doe back then. At the time she was just a stern woman, a gangrel of remarkable mind. It was agreed that she was likely an accidental embrace somehow, as she did not fit the mold of your typical Gangrel. She was smart, witty, sociable, and able to talk even those assumed to be her elder into a corner.

As she rose to prominence in the NYC Tower, more became known of her as she pushed the borders of the Towers influence from just Lower Manhattan, to cover the entirety of the Borough, pushing out a lazy Baron who let his subjects get lax. She was older than most realized, by about 300 years. She had also apparently been waiting and watching and learning about the Camarilla in other cities, like a wolf stalking its prey. Eventually she did make her move and it was discovered that the old Ventrue Prince was powerless against her, being unable to Dominate her in the slightest because of her Generation.

By this time few stood in Janes way as she ascended to Princedom, being recognized by the Council in short order and taking on the name Belfort as a sudo joke in the early 2000's, as she was already known as the Wolf of Wall Street from her conquests a decade prior.


Gangrel Primogen: William


Clan/Bloodline: Gangrel

Gen: 9th

Allegiance: Camarilla - Primogen (Old Guard, dislikes Jane's leadership but accepts her results)

Apparent Age: 46

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Blue

Merits: Inoffensive to Animals

Flaws: Member of the pack (Falcons)

Background: William participated in the American Civil War, lived to see its conclusion, and then was pulled away from the mortal coil one winter day when he was out hunting with his falcon.

In unlife William quickly came to understand his strengths. He preferred to solve problems from a distance, both to gain a greater perspective of the larger picture, and to avoid putting himself in immediate danger. He excelled at heightening his falconry skills with vitae, and took up an interest in law and cartography to keep his mind occupied at night. He wanted to help guide kindred and his country on its proper path. The one he fought for back in the early 1860s. A path enshrined in law for kindred and kine.

He quickly developed a knack for using lofty idealism and his desire to rise through the Camarilla ranks to help him gain the support of other Gangrel, especially during the Battle of New York, but in recent nights his supporters are few. He was assigned to be the Gangrel Primogen before Jane took power. He keeps himself useful by providing her with insight into laws and the best way to bend local city ordinance so that the Camarilla continue to prosper.

He seems to greatly dislike the Ahrimane presence in the city and is often antagonistic to Rose and her clan whenever they are present at any Camarilla functions.

Malkavian Primogen: Samatha


Sire: Jane August

Clan/Bloodline: Malkavian

Gen: 10th

Allegiance: Camarilla

Age: 84

Apparent Age: 24

Hair color: Mousey Brown

Eye color: Right Blue, Left Green

Merits: Distracting Aura, Oracular Ability, Prophetic Dreams, Unbondable

Flaws: Overstimulated, Nightmares, Amnesia, Deep Sleeper, Rat in a Cage

Road: Humanity

Background: Awaking in the Creedmoor Psychiatric Center with no memories and the sounds of thousands of voices, Samantha was flung into the curse of the Malkavians head first. Devouring her sire in a frenzy, the woman roamed the streets hopelessly for several months, scraping by through feeding off of anything she could get her hands on. And then, she came across a wolfish woman in the streets of Manhattan. She'd known for a while that Fenrir was warm, and so followed the woman with a strange fervor. The Gangrel woman confronted her after about a week of being stalked by the Malkavian, discovering a truly broken, but incredibly intelligent woman. The Grace of God had stripped her of humanity, but now it sheltered her from the night. Samantha repaid Jane with information, her deep connection to the Madness Network and aptitude for visions making her a very valuable asset in the Prince-to-be's employ. These days, she spends her time either in Elysium or in Jane's haven, sharing it since she was bound to the Prince.

Toreador Primogen: Anais Abreo


Clan/Bloodline: Toreador

Gen: 8th

Allegience: Camarilla

Age: 514

Apparent Age: 19

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Blue

Merits: Enchanting Voice, Sanctity, Natural Linguist

Flaws: Prey Exclusion, Lazy, Dark Secret

Background: In Life: Born into the French Baroque era, Anais was born into extravagance, and came to expect it. The art salon, the drawing room, and the dancehall were where she thrived. At first glance, everyone loved her. She was beautiful, gracious, and elegant. At first glance, everyone expected her to marry up, and take charge of a noble household with the same grace and aplomb. At first glance, everyone was confused how she had made it to 19 years old without being married off.

The problem was never her first impression, but what came after that. She was entirely without any talent, and the expectation she would be afforded respect that was so enchanting at first quickly became childish demands for attention. She hid it well, but her temperment could be unbearable to deal with. The only things to which she was really kind were her dogs, and her violin. Her dogs were wild and misbehaved, and she was a mediocre violinist at best. None of this mattered, however, to her Sire. She was so stunning that he could not imagine letting her age another day. When he made his romantic advance, she was so enthralled with the idea of becoming unique and above mortals, that she gladly accepted. In Death: Anais was ruthless in the courts. She didn't need a husband any longer, and Kindred were often as awful or worse than she was, so she fit right in. She quickly gained followers, but more often from other clans than from her own. She was an unapologetic Poseur Toreador, and the Artistes of the clan could hardly stand to be in the same room. It was the other court flowers, and the Ventrue that adored her. She was a fixture in the Paris Camarilla until a humiliation at the hands of a rival that was so damaging to her reputation that she fled the entire continent, and took up residence in New York.

With her wealth, power, and social acumen, she navigated the new world easily, making sure that this time no one knew how completely she lacked artistic talent. More than a few immigrants who remembered her from Europe met with a sudden disappearance, and she entrenched herself firmly into clan politics.

Jane's selection as Prince was an insult to her nearly as humiliating as what she had experienced in Paris. She should have been Prince. That she should be elected Primogen and treated as such a non-threat was doubly insulting. She hid these feelings, however, smiled, and worked to take control of her clan with the shallow ruthlessness they were well known for.

Tremere Primogen: Kalista


Sire: Michael

Clan/Bloodline: Tremere

Gen: 8th

Allegiance: Camarilla/pyramid

Age: 315

Apparent Age: 32

Hair color: Auburn

Eye color: aquamarine

Merits: inoffensive to animals, Blush of Health, Eidetic Memory, Natural Leader.

Flaws: (to be determined)

Background: Originally hailing from France, Kalista grew up in a household of mysticism. It was speculated at the time that her mother may have been a sleepwalker mage, which assisted her in gaining some renown as an oracle. Thus, Kalista grew up well educated, besides learning the ins and outs of a seer, and while she did not take to it completely, her mother made sure some of it stuck.

Kalista arrived in New York in the early 1800s alongside her Sire, Michael. She had willingly accepted the embrace over half a century prior, tempted with the promise of more knowledge and furthering her talents as an occultist and seer. Greed has been her mortal life's undoing, and it would reflect on her unlife as her ambition continued to grow.

They began to establish themselves within the Camarilla and Tremere of New York, settling within the chantry located in Manhattan. Kalista would eventually gain her first understudy towards the end of the 1800s, a newly embraced with an unfortunate tale, going by the name of Kristine.

Her ruthless ambition would eventually land her the position of Primogen, helped along by her natural talent and honeyed words.

Ventrue Primogen: Valeria Wynter


Sire: Unknown

Clan/Bloodline: Ventrue

Gen: 8th

Allegiance: Camarilla

Age: 482

Apparent Age: 12

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Green

Merits: Pain Tolerance, Sturdy, Calm Heart, Code of Honor, Iron Will, Unbondable

Flaws: Short, Deep Sleeper, Thirst for Innocence, Uncommon Vitae Preference (Virgin Women between 10 and 22 years old)

Road: Via Regalis

Background: Hailing from Elizabethan era England, Valeria made the journey to New York in 1916. Due to her diminutive stature and young appearance, many of the Ventrue in the city laughed her away, considering her an accidental embrace. Unbeknownst to them, she hailed from a once influential noble lineage, and had been selected for embrace very deliberately, if still early. However, Valeria is a patient woman, and she knew that she need only let her opposition underestimate her. And then, in the 1970's, she saw her opportunity. A gangrel woman, making waves in the Tower, that Valeria saw a lot of promise in. Approaching the woman, she formed an alliance in secret with her. As the years continued, Valeria quietly offered financial and political support to Jane, biding her time. And then, once it was in place, she helped her to make the final push to dethrone the previous Prince. However, Valeria's target had not been the Throne, but control of her clan. For her role in the coup, she was appointed as the new Primogen of the Ventrue, a title she still holds in the modern nights.


Veronica Smith


Sire: Ephemera (Real Name unknown, and being a stuck up Toreador she insists everyone call her Ephemera. They don't. They call her Ephy.)

Clan/Bloodline: Toreador

Gen: 12th

Allegiance: Camarilla

Age: 26

Apparent Age: 20

Hair color: Red (Dyed)

Eye color: Brown

Merits: Indelible, Master of the Masquerade, Blush of Health, Deceptive Aura, Impressive Restraint, Slowed Degeneration

Flaws: Slow Healing, Prey Exclusion (The Homeless), Enemy (2), Rival Sires, Cannot Embrace

Road: Humanity

Background: The younger of the two Harpie twins, embraced into the Toreador for her wit, charisma, and renown in the local nightclub scene. She's practiced the art of effortlessly blending in as mortal in order to gather rumors and put her finger on the pulse of the local gossip mill. In doing so, she's the first to know about potential masquerade risks, breaks, and who hired prostitutes for 'weird kinky blood stuff'. And, in doing so, is the first to be able to mock them for it.

Alexi Smith


Sire: Arthur

Clan/Bloodline: Brujah

Gen: 12th

Allegiance: Camarilla

Age: 26

Apparent Age: 20

Hair color: White (Dyed)

Eye color: Brown

Merits: Indelible, Acute Sense (Hearing), Ambidextrous, Bruiser, Enchanting Voice, Language (Spanish), Dynamic Personality

Flaws: Tic, Impatient, Prey Exclusion (The Rich), Enemy (2), Rival Sires, Cannot Embrace

Road: Humanity

Background: The elder of the two Harpie twins, whom the Brujah embraced for her charisma, laid-back nature, and street cred. Excelling at drawing crowds and persuading (and intimidating!) targets, Alexi is well suited to learning what she wants to know. Her cutting insults are rivaled only by her sister's, and most kindred outside the council try to avoid her attention; lest they become one of her favored targets.


Door Keeper: Aunt Jeanine

Clan/Bloodline: Malkavian

Gen: 9th

Allegience: Camarilla

Age: 300

Apparent Age: 31

Hair color: Red

Eye color: Blue


Flaws: Inert blood

Background: Everyone who has ever been to Elysium knows Aunt Jeanine's face. The mothering, friendly, slightly cryptic door keeper for the Camarilla, she always seems to be present, and always at the door. She has held that post since Jane took control of the sect, and has never said so much as a word about ever leaving. Furthermore, it is such an unenviable job, that no one seems to wish to try to take it from her. Quite a bit overweight, with thick glasses and short-cropped curly hair, there is nothing intimidating about this woman, but perhaps because of that, even the most surly of elders tolerate her doting nature. The few that don't soon find themselves unwelcome in Elysium. Born in America to a large farming family with little interest in the politics of independence at that time, she watched the world grow up around her with the same wonder as a child. She married a nearby boy, and they started a farm close to her parents' own, and everyone was happy, and all she wanted was a large family of her own to raise. She loved children. She wanted so many children that they could start their own town if they wished. It would be so wonderful to be surrounded by so much love. She just didn't understand why she wasn't conceiving. It couldn't be something wrong with her, with how much she loved and wanted children. It must have been something wrong with her husband. He wasn't trying hard enough, or didn't want them bad enough. Maybe he was cheating? She shouldn't get a divorce, of course. That wasn't what happy families did. It would be much better if he had simply never existed. Then she could find a proper husband, and not some lazy son of a bitch impotent farmer. A Malkavian found her drowning her husband in the cow's trough water. So moved was he by her passion that he embraced her on the spot. Though she never was able to have her own children, she did adopt many lucky lost souls. Few lasted more than a couple years, but they were all blessed with her unconditional love.

Immigration Officer: Marius


Sire: Daliah

Clan/Bloodline: Ventrue

Gen: 10th generation

Allegience: Camarilla

Age: 120

Apparent Age: 42

Hair color: graying black

Eye color: blue



Background: For centuries, New York has served as a gateway into the New World for both Kindred and Kine alike; which remains true to this day. Most Kindred traveling from Europe or elsewhere on the planet tends to come through the city which is something the local Camarilla and its council of Primogen have capitalized on. Bureaucracy is key here, and The Camarilla cracks down upon kindred who do not register their presence in their territory.

Marius takes great pride in his role as Kindred Immigration Officer. For nearly a hundred years he's been faithfully serving the Primogen, keeping track of the comings and goings of every kindred passing through New York. Using his talent for reading people and their intentions, by 2021 he has managed to establish an impressive information network, which he employs in the service of the Camarilla and his Prince.

By appearance, he was a compact, clearcut man in his early 40s, with precise, sharp features, medium length, ragged graying black hair, and unusually cold blue eyes. He had a look of sternness and silent superiority around him, a common trait among the Ventrue, but it was quite prominent in his demeanor.

Sheriff: Amalia Giovanni

Created with GIMPCreated with GIMP

Sire: Antonio Giovanni

Clan/Bloodline: Hecata (Giovanni)

Gen: 10th

Allegiance: Camarilla

Age: 112

Apparent Age: 36

Hair color: Blonde

Eye color: Black

Merits: Unbondable, Daredevil, Bruiser

Flaws: Clan Enmity (Giovanni), Obvious Predator, Sire's Resentment, Eerie Presence, One Eye

Road: Path of Bones

Background: A shrewd businesswoman and talented fighter, Amalia was welcomed into the Family with open arms. However, she saw an opportunity for greater power and influence among the Camarilla of New York, disgracing her name and sire in the family's eyes as she turned coat to the Tower. Now she acts as Jane's Marshal, handing out contracts and bounties and keeping the law within Manhattan. She makes it known that any Kindred seeking to earn the favor of the Council, or simply make some money, should come to her and do some dirty work. After all, what's unlife without a little turbulence?


Librarian: Sarah Rodgers


Sire: Michael Grey

Clan/Bloodline: Tremere

Gen: 11th

Allegiance: The Pyramid, Camarilla

Age: 78

Apparent Age: 32

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Gray

Merits: Multi-Lingual, Acute Sense (Sight), Computer Aptitude, Eidetic Memory, Keys to the Library

Flaws: Tic/Twitch (pushing up glasses), Cloistered, Arcane Curse (Eyes glow purple when using magic), Bound to the Clan

Background: Embraces can happen 'accidentally', unplanned… sometimes shit happens and you are left with a body and the decision to make if you'd rather deal with cleaning up or a childer. Sarah Rodgers was decidedly no such embrace. Having worked at The New York Society Library pre-embrace, possessing a knack for the new technologies and the distinctive lack of an experienced and more importantly professional librarian at the New York Chantry, were but the most important criteria for her embrace.

'Miss Rodgers', as she insists on being addressed, was brought in by the Pyramid by a senior librarian and trained for many years for her specific future task as librarian. Her superiors saw it as the prefect chance to create a librarian that wouldn't desert, was extraordinarily qualified and incorruptible, upholding the Pyramid's rules and making sure that the arcane knowledge would only go to the truly worthy. To that end she was not only trained, but also fully bound to the Clan.

With an entirely professional attitude, a critical eye and the rules at the front of her mind, Miss Rodgers takes care of the Chantry Library with an iron fist. Even the Regent needs to follow the rules of the library and a sinister purple glow to her eyes often marks the impending punishment of a rule-breaker.

Naomi Collins


Sire: Lara Ryan

Clan/Bloodline: Tremere

Gen: '10th'

Allegiance: 'The Pyramid'

Age: 212

Apparent Age: 24

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Red

Merits: Outside Haven, Iron Will, Blush of Health, Enchanting Voice, Harmless, ???, ???, ???

Flaws: Deep Sleeper, Sire's Resentment, Beacon of the Unholy, ???, ???,

Background: Naomi is a relatively new addition to the staff of the New York Chantry, having been sent over from Chicago a mere five years ago to help the local Regent with the tutoring of new Apprentices. She doesn't talk much about her past in Chicago, only ever mentioning her sire being partial reason for why she left. Nonetheless she is a bright spirit, rather unusual for a Pyramid Tremere, though the Regent knows to use her sunny demeanour to draw in fresh Apprentices and keep them close to the clan.

She is often seen in the library, the common hall and near the quarters, helping out wherever she can and over time has become somewhat of a 'maid-of-all-work'. When an Apprentice needs help with research or figuring out the last piece of the puzzle to advance their thaumaturgical expertise, it is usually Naomi who they turn to. She doesn't seem to mind all this though and while she is definitely not the one the Regent turns to for the … darker… services that need doing for the good of the Pyramid, she at least keeps the atmosphere in the Chantry from becoming much more gloomy.

Obadiah West


Sire: Edward Caldwell

Clan/Bloodline: Tremere

Gen: 8th

Allegiance: Himself, The Pyramid

Age: 283

Apparent Age: 42

Hair color: Black/Gray

Eye color: Gold

Merits: Outside Haven, Iron Will, Long-Term Planning, Elysium Regular, Natural Leader, Occult Library

Flaws: Arcane Curse (Golden Eyes), Enemy, Touch of Frost

Background: Obadiah West, a kindred that could have fit well in the Clan of Kings… Hailing from the American upper class and part of a long-lived and wealthy family of land owners dating back to the early days of American colonisation, Obadiah thinks himself a leader by default. His embrace into Clan Tremere did nothing to change his mortal attitude, though in favour of attaining the powers of Thaumaturgy, his ego and enterprising nature has been dampened slightly. Of course only on the forefront though and over the years he has become a master of manipulating the things in the background, patiently waiting to step out of the shadows to assume the mantle of leadership that was his from the very beginning.

But no matter how perfect the plan, one can never account for everything. And outside connections a plenty might not stand strong against a single prestigious supporter in the Clan's own ranks. Obadiah had to learn this the hard way as not he succeeded the Regent's seat, but a mere whelp. Outraged by this insolence, the fifth degree Magister began to plot anew. He makes no secret of his opposition, though lets it seem as mere jealousy on purpose… being underestimate after all works in one's favour. And while the Regent is for sure aware of his plotting, to some extent, Obadiah's wealth of knowledge and connections would be missed for the furthering of the Clan, so the two play a secret game of cat and mouse behind veiled smiles. And perhaps at some point the Magister might seek to drop the act and attain what is his at any price necessary…

Nathaniel Sykes


Sire: Rowan Greene

Clan/Bloodline: Tremere

Gen: 9th

Allegiance: The Pyramid

Age: 119

Apparent Age: 26

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Silver

Merits: Enchanting Voice, Coldly Logical, Iron Will, Language (German), Natural Leader, Prestigious Sire

Flaws: Cloistered, Bad Sight, Cold Breeze, ???

Background: The story of Nathaniel Sykes is one of the archetypical climb from the bottom to the top. Starting out in one the poorest families in Baltimore, spending day to day serving others to make whatever money he could, the young man soon learned that hard work alone would not elevate him. So guile soon found its way into Nathaniel's repertoire of tools. Slowly he worked his way up the social ladder and eventually even attended places of learning. One such place was the John Hopkins University in the hometown he had never left. There the youth came into contact with not only other like-minded folk, but also the occult via a colleague and friend he had made during his short time at the university, Rowan. Noticing the prestigious members all congregating in such circles, he once more saw it as his next step to ascend and swiftly got inducted in the Order of Scarlet Whispers. Little did he know that his activities and extraordinary engagement would help him ascend in a completely different way.

The friend he had spent time studying and cursing the higherborn with all this time turned out to be kindred… and what he offered was ascension to something beyond human capabilities. Eagerly Nathaniel accepted the embrace into Clan Tremere and began studying as close aide to his sire and friend, who turned out to be none other than the Regent of the Baltimore Chantry. Once more Nathaniel threw himself into work to ascend this new ladder, slowly climbing the ranks and eventually following his sire's wishes and recommendation to take up the mantle of Regent himself in New York. Dedicated, hard-working, but cold and calculating in every decision for the betterment of the Pyramid and in turn himself. Though his talents and work mark him as extraordinary, some are unhappy with such a young Regent at the helm and his position is anything but secure, despite backings of many fellow magi. A fact he is aware of and frequently uses against those very people opposed to him.



Sire: The Pyramid

Clan/Bloodline: Warrior Gargoyle

Gen: 9th

Allegiance: The Pyramid, Nathaniel Sykes

Age: 85/~217

Apparent Age: ???

Hair color: -

Eye color: Icy Blue

Merits: Additional Discipline (Visceratika), Heavy Hands, Language (German), Stillness of Death, Berserker, Huge Size

Flaws: Eerie Presence, Infertile Vitae, Stone Tongue, Permanent Fangs, Unblinking, Amnesia

Background: War never changes. The reasons and causes might, but the principle stays the same. And for all the great and terrible weapons man creates, the Kindred might have created even greater tools of war.

Vox is such a tool. Created by a Tremere researcher who defected from Nazi Germany during the period of foreboding first signs of the coming war. There is no use talking about the components that make up the Gargoyle known as Vox, the Gangrel and Tzimisce that suffered and in a way died to birth this monster are of little importance to the creature itself. Such dedicated and thorough psychological manipulation and discipline-induced changes upon a mind, coupled with the trauma of The Third Birth break a mind easily and thus Vox is nothing more than a tool and see's itself as such.

Enchanted with powerful rituals like the Gargoyles of old, created with the best materials available and trained in a manner of disciplines, Vox was anything but perfect for whatever original purpose it was supposed to serve. Over the course of its existence it was frequently used to uproot secret Nazi research camps, particularly those invested into occult research, to hunt down enemy Kindred and most importantly to serve as a guardian of the Chantry and its master. Over the course of the second World War and its horrors, Vox undertook many missions for its master, but eventually when it returned home, it didn't find anything but a deserted Chantry. In accordance with previous commands, Vox thus transitioned into a near-torpor-like state. Standing vigil in complete silence and unmoving stance for many, many years, waiting for its master… or a new master to return and lay claim to this tool.

Forgotten over the years, even as new Tremere started to populate the New York Chantry, the hulking figure overseeing the entrance hall was thought to be but a statue, a reminder of past sins and glory. But when one fateful night the current Regent of the Chantry spoke to a German contact via phone in said hall… for the first time in many years the statue moved and spoke: “Wie kann ich ihnen dienen… Meister…


Liezel Rowley


Clan/Bloodline: Nosferatu

Gen: 9th

Allegience: Camarilla

Age: 18

Apparent Age: 147

Hair color: None

Eye color: Brown

Merits: Bruiser

Flaws: Disease Carrier, Infectious Bite

Background: Liezel rose up out of the grimy, dark streets of 19th century England. She grew up with nothing, and survived first by theivery, then by prostitution, in a violent and disease ridden part of town. Her barely concealed angerwas what kept her alive, but it was also what drove her mad. By just 18, she was carrying diseases and plagued by insanity. She killed a man, a client, over payment, and that was enough to drive her out of what life she had left. She lived like an animal, but survived where many would have given up and died. It was in the alleys and sewers that she was found by the Nosferatu. What impressed her Sire was not her guile or intelligence, but her ferocity, the desperation with which she snatched any scrap of power she could over others. She was embraced as much to see what she might do with that power as she was for any worthiness. Though there was safety and comfort in the underground of the Nosferatu, she frightened many even older than she, and fit in perfectly in a society where none could be trusted. She was a predator and a killer. The wise knew where to direct her cold rage, and the foolish attempted to interfere. When she made enemies with an elder, it threatened to throw the city into war. She wasn't nearly as powerful, but her stubborn will to survive made her impossible to root out. They finally decided the best course of action was to send her to a different city, and her allies convinced her that New York would be suitable home. She found understanding in the Primogen of the city, and quickly became an enforcer of their will. She lacked all subtlty, but was effective when diplomacy failed. Although she has a dominating personality, she can be surprisingly witty and engaging. That she can turn on someone without the slightest provocation is what makes her dangerous. This force of personality has, despite her hideous appearance, managed to seduce more than one person, leaving a trail of rather old strains of STD's in her wake.

Will Ward


Clan/Bloodline: Nosferatu

Gen: 10th

Allegience: Camarilla

Age: 44

Apparent Age: 70

Hair color: None

Eye color: Black

Merits: Computer Aptitude, Calm Heart

Flaws: Glowing Eyes

Background: Will Ward was born in California, the eldest son of a large, immigrant family. He grew up poor, but with a strict upbringing, found success academically. He put hmiself through university, and found a job as one of the first programmers. He made a name for himself with his intelligence and skill, but was a quiet, gentle man, who had little interest in climbing the corporate ranks. He had few friends, but was close to those, and was married in a similarly quiet, unassuming fashion. By his 30's, he was well respected, and had his pick of jobs, but it was in the early 90's that he received an offer he could not refuse, the chance to work on a new kind of online system. It was a private network for a private organization of which he new little, but the chance to work on such an innovative project was too much to resist. He worked with co-workers he never met, and many of the demands were indecipherable, but he did his job happily. It was at the end of the project that they made a second offer that was unavoidable for different reasons entirely. The Nosferatu had decided he knew too much, but rather than kill him, they chose to embrace him, and bring his talent into the clan. With the promise of ever more complex projects, Will accepted the offer. It was not as difficult for him as it was for many others. He cared little for appearances, and other than drinking blood, was allowed to do what he loved. He set up a home in the underground, and has been a source of stability for many of the other Nosferatu ever since. He is a man of few words, but enjoys anything technology related, and has many friends from the younger generations because of it.



Sire: Jane (Adopted)

Clan/Bloodline: Gangrel

Gen: 11th

Allegiance: Camarilla (Jane, displeased with Camarilla elsewhere)

Apparent Age: 24

Hair color: Brown/Red/White

Eye color: Red

Merits: Long Fingers, Daredevil

Flaws: Disfigured, Vulnerability to Silver

Background: Embraced in 1923, Jezebelle has long been a fixture of New York, even if no one cares to remember her. She stepped out from her former Sire's shadow to lead a small but ferocious coterie of Gangrel against the Sabbat invasion of New York. Jezebelle tore out the throats of more Sabbat than some Kindred saw over the course of the battle. She was instrumental in spearheading Camarilla guerrilla strategies; leading Sabbat packs into ambush or attacking them from their flanks as other Kindred played at being bait.

Jezebelle participated in the Bronx raid on the defending Sabbat, and the final blow that drove them out of the Bronx and Manhattan, all the way back to Staten Island. However, she was not rewarded for her efforts as many of her allies stepped over her to make a name for themselves. That was until Jane came along. Jezebelle quickly grew enamored with Jane, and helped her with her extensive knowledge of the area. As a reward Jezebelle holds on to a sizable portion of #van-cortlandt-park for the Camarilla.

Years of fighting and frenzy have taken their toll on Jezebelle, and she has acquired several permanent characteristics of a weasel. Her fingers are long and look as if they have extra knuckles on them. Her nose is short and blunt but very acute, and her eyes have the red glint of a predator under the moonlight. Patches of red and brown fur grow out of her body, seemingly at random. She hides most of this with baggy clothes and hoodies, pretending to be a homeless woman that frequents the park.


The Pythia

Clan/Bloodline: ?

Gen: ?

Allegience: Independent(allies with the Camarilla)

Age: ?

Apparent Age: ?

Hair color: White

Eye color: Blue

Background: No one knows where The Pythia came from, what her name is, or what she wants. She arrived in New York just after Jane took control of the Camarilla, and after a brief private meeting between her, Jane, and Samantha, she was given exactly what she asked for: a small shop on the Promenade from which to work. She became a fixture of the marketplace, as one of the few in the upscale area to not be beholden to the Giovanni, who, after prying a bit too far into her affairs many years ago, have never done so since. She can sometimes be found the the Fountain, buying small trinkets for strangers, but almost no one sees her leave or enter the building itself. To most, she is a kindly old woman who is a bit difficult to understand, and prohibitively expensive to speak with professionally. To those who go to seek her help, however, she is universally revered, and sometimes feared. Jane is known to see her from time to time, but she never goes herself to Elysium. Anais refuses to go anywhere near the small store. It is rumored that she has a vast collection of things with seemingly little to no connection to each other that are stored in a magical, hidden space. If one offers her something she is seeking, she will gladly give her services for free. Unfortunately, what these things are seems to change day to day.

Player Characters

Cassius Alexander


Sire: Antonius Belmont Clan/Bloodline: Followers of Set Gen: 12th Allegiance: Independent (Camarilla) Age: Born sometime in the great depression, Cassius is around ninety years old. Apparent Age: He appears to be in his early twenties. Hair color: His hair, on the sides, is dyed red; being dyed white on top. Naturally, he's blonde. Eye color: His eyes are a dull grey, and always seem to be slightly bloodshot. Merits: Addictive blood, enchanting voice, blush of health, inoffensive to animals, unbondable, and deceptively eating. Road: Path of Typhon Background:

Cassius was born sometime during the great depression- The exact year isn't known, and he isn't one to speak of his past often. He was born in America, though claims his parents were immigrants from Europe.

At the age of eighteen, he met his future sire, Antonius, and was introduced to the ideas of the followers of Set, the vampire readying him for the embrace. Cassius enjoyed the luxury that being with Antonius brought, and gladly went along with being embraced, slipping into the role of a Setite with ease afterwards.

The two had settled in Los Angeles, Antonius having a few businesses around- And many plans for the future, trusting Cassius with all of them, allowing the man to help him as he wished.

In the eighties, Antonius passed on quite a bit of money to Cassius, before leaving to Chicago, leaving his childe to do as he pleased. And for a few years, he simply stayed in LA, occasionally taking in a fledgling or two that'd been abandoned by their sire, gently guiding them into the hands of Set.

Recently, he's decided to come to New York for unknown reasons; writing a fairly polite letter to the prince beforehand, introducing himself, his sire, and his intentions- Simply to help, and get to explore the city.



Sire: Unknown

Clan/Bloodline: Caitiff

Gen: 13th

Allegiance: Camarilla, Anastasia Blanc, the Blanc Family

Age: 20

Apparent Age: 20

Hair color: Black, died red tips

Eye color: Silver

Merits: Enchanting Voice, Master of the Masquerade, Blush of Health, Eat Food

Flaws: New Kid, Amnesiac, Infertile Vitae, Weak-Willed

Road: Humanity

Background: No one is quite sure exactly where she came from, and certainly no one is leaping at the chance to admit they Sired a mutt without permission. After being found by the Camarilla and briefed on her existence, she was passed off to Anastasia, the Toreador's rivals hoping the Caitiff would prove an annoyance and distraction for the woman. However, Anastasia seems oblivious to the intent, and has treated the Caitiff decently well, if being unknowingly patronizing and demeaning… almost all the time. She was put to work as an assistant to the family, doing minor menial tasks for them and caring for the house. It's a meager existence, but she understands that it is better than the alternatives, and accepts it as the way things are.

Pluto Hawthorne


Clan/Bloodline: Malkavian

Gen: 13th

Allegience: Camarilla

Age: 19

Apparent Age: 19

Hair color: Black

Eye color: A dull green



Tenets: Nature is innocent; do no harm to animals. Senseless killing is for beasts; murder only in self defense. The Embrace is a gift, though one people should be weary of accepting; never embrace someone without explicit permission.

Background: Some people are born with fate against them, struggling to go a day without having the world totally against them. Pluto, as long as he can remember, was one of those people.

He never knew his father, and his mother was only sixteen when she had him; working two jobs just to keep a roof over their head, struggling to make ends meet. It was a hard life, but Pluto loved his mother, usually helping out by mowing lawns in their small neighborhood, or walking dogs. Occasionally making enough to afford takeout, or a new book.

Everything was as good as it could be for awhile. Rent was never late, their roof never leaked, and when he turned fourteen, Pluto's mom had gotten him a cat. Like the teenager, she was a tiny thing, having been through her own rough days. Messy black fur, and a missing eye, she was far from perfect. But she was theirs, she was family. Pluto had decided to name her Nyx. But, as always, things weren't good forever. Just a few weeks after his birthday, Pluto's mother had gotten into a car accident, and passed away shortly after. Not having any relatives that would take him in, the boy was placed into foster care; Nyx being the only thing he had left. It was rough, bouncing from place to place, and at the age of seventeen, he finally ran away, sick to death of his current foster family, Pluto wanted nothing more than freedom.

To him, being homeless wasn't the worst thing in the world. Travelling where he wanted, occasionally doing odd jobs to make cash. Pluto was content with his life, content with the only thing he cared about being Nyx. More often than not, he'd stay in forests or camp grounds, having a tent he'd stolen for shelter. Usually people didn't question some teenager camping out for the night, and occasionally, he'd get invited to cook-outs by families. Those were the good days, where sometimes they'd give him leftovers that could last a few nights.

At nineteen, everything changed.

It was the night of his birthday, Pluto having rented a small, cheap hotel room to celebrate- He'd gone to a corner store to see if they had any cake slices, leaving Nyx in the safety of the room. Vaguely, he was aware of being followed, of the quiet mumblings of the stranger behind him, but Pluto wasn't worried, hand on the pocket knife he always had in his hoodie.

Thankfully, the person had turned down some alleyway, and Pluto got to the store safely; even getting his cake, as planned.

The walk home wasn't as simple, though.

He'd been yanked into the very alleyway that the stranger had gone down, and everything from there was a blur; Pluto only vaguely aware of the stranger biting him, before things went black. When the ravenette awoke, it was to a string of apologies, someone kneeling over him, a strange liquid dripping into his mouth- It was coming from their hand.

It was blood. How disgusting.

After another few moments, Pluto felt himself being picked up, before things went black again.

He awoke in his hotel room, Nyx right beside him. And at first, Pluto assumed it was all some weird dream, until spotting the half-smashed cake on his table, and a hastily written note.

It was mostly scribbles, slightly unreadable, but he eventually deciphered it.

The letter recounted exactly what had happened, how hungry the stranger had been, how they didn't mean to drain him.

And finally, how they'd embraced him, apologizing over and over for what had happened.

Next to the letter was a few twenty dollar bills as well, and Pluto was vaguely aware that it'd be enough to cover rooming for a week, probably. Though confused, Pluto would have a place to stay while he figured out what exactly to do, at least.


Sire: Lady Katherine Planteghast, Valeria Wynter (Adoptive)

Clan/Bloodline: Venture, Planteghast Bloodline

Gen: 8th

Allegiance: Valeria Wynter, Venture, Camarilla

Road: Humanity

Age: 254

Apparent Age: 30

Hair color: Salt and pepper

Eye color: Deep green

Merits: Blush of Health, Eat Food, Huge Size, Code of Honor, Iron Will, Language (Celtic, Hindi), Primogen Friendship, Rep

Flaws: Haunted, Repulsive to Animals, Cursed, Ragged Bite


- I loyaly serve those who are loyal to me

- Those who are worthy to rule are worthy of my respect, the rest have to earn it

- I won’t take any action that would harm my allies, but I don’t care if anyone else gets hurt

Liath aes Sídhe was born to an indentured farming family who worked a tract of land just outside of Kilkenny. Her mortal life was a constant struggle of her whole family to eke out a subsistence under the rule of the English landowners who held the lease to their farm. Years of loss and hardship ended in violence when, in 1798, Liath and her older brother Liam joined the Irish Rebellion in hopes of overthrowing British rule. This ended disastrously, for the whole country but especially for Liath when Liam was killed in battle and she was taken by a loyalist militia force. However, rather than being murdered or imprisoned she somehow wound up in the clutches of Lady Katherine Planteghast, a particularly cruel Venture. She turned Liath against her will, and then used a combination of blood bond, domination, and torture to turn Liath into an obedient slave knight. This was a method Lady Planteghast had mastered and used on other Childer to make a few particularly deadly servants.

Laith and her fellow knights saw the most use in India, fighting Ravanos and Aasimite resistance to company rule and crushing mortal rebellion as needed. This continued for years until Katherine Planteghast began dealing with Valeria Wynter, a Venture who had considerable interest in ending company rule of India so that formal British rule could begin. The two engaged in social combat as the Venture of India were split between Royalist and Company, but as the tide began to shift towards the Royalist Rule Valeria made her move. She broke the blood bonds Katherine had so meticulously forged and allowed the five Planteghast Childer Knights to brutally murder Katherine. However, they didn’t stop there, four of the Knights began to devour their Sire in some sort of vicious perversion of Diablerie. Perhaps it was a consequence of the conditioning Lady Planteghast had subjected them to, but whatever it was the Knights who partook were cursed with a hunger for flesh. The other Knights scattered, but Liath remained and prostrated herself before Valeria, pledging her service to the one who had saved her. Valeria, seeing the potent mix of Loyalty and brutality, accepted.

Liath did prove to be both loyal and brutal. She was Valeria’s red right hand in India, assisting with the shift from Company rule to British rule, later hunting down various Kin opposition with great prejudice. Valeria departed from India some time in the 1880’s, she and Liath were in England for the beginning of the first world war but left for America in 1916. There Liath assumed the name Leah O’Shae, which is the name she uses to this day. Now well established as a loyal servant to Valeria, Miss Wynter saw fit to frequently use Leah as a face for social or business opportunities, especially in dealings with kine. The two were certainly loyal to the Camarilla, but with the Tower’s presence weakening already, many of their dealings were done independently. The two made good profit off of the second world war and Valeria was cemented as a pillar of the Venture presence in New York.

In 1990 Valeria backed Jane Doe in her bid as prince, much to Leah’s despair. By now it was obvious to Leah that Valeria should be the next prince, an opinion that was shared by a good handful of the Camarilla. But Valeria was convinced of Jane, and Leah was loyal to Valeria, so despite open objection Leah was there when the War of Wallstreet began. Leah, Amalia, and Jezebelle distinguished themselves in the front lines of the war, coordinating incredibly well with one another despite Jezebelle’s concerns about the loyalties of the other two. Their tactics and talent in open combat were key in securing the throne for Jane. Leah was horrified by the treaties signed with the Anarchs and Sabbat, but was placated by the return of upper Manhattan to the Camarilla and Valeria’s new position as Primogen. The 90’s and early 00’s were a very fruitful period for the Camarilla, but that didn’t stop Leah from periodically imploring Valeria to consider making moves on Belfort’s throne. Other than that Leah has been busy making deals with the Zannalbane Corporation on Valeria’s behalf and killing anyone Val decides needs killing. Most recently she had been sent to Seattle, supposedly to help with Wynter interests in the area, but more likely as a punishment for killing an Anarch who had been weaseling his way into Manhattan. After a few long years she's finally back in New York.

Raine, Ruhainyya Al-Meggido

Sire: Makeda Aeshur

Clan/Bloodline: Tremere

Gen: 13th

Allegiance: Cult of Babalon, The Pyramid, Camarilla (Mostly)

Age: 42

Apparent Age: 20

Hair color: Mahogany

Eye color: Russet

Merits: Language (Arabic, Hebrew, Aramaic), Computer Aptitude, Protege, Scholar of Others (Hermetics, Lilians, Setites), Occult Library, Heretical Sympathizer, Useful Knowlege

Flaws: Cloistered, Bad Sight (Glasses), Beacon of the Unholy, Sympathizer, Permanent Fangs, Tic (Licks her Fangs)

Road/Path: Humanity

Tenets: Seek the Deep Meaning in all Things by Any Means, Measure Kingship in Power and Understanding, Burn No Witch

Background: Born in Palestine outside of Jerusalem on April 16 1979, Ruhainyya Al-Mutwadie had a childhood defined in equal parts by a loving community and an increasing amount of strife in her home country. When the Intifada was called in 1987 her mother was killed and her father Hassan decided to flee Palestine, securing passage to New York City as well as a steady job and a tiny apartment to support his only daughter. Far from home and missing a mother, neither Ruhainyya nor her father had a happy life in New York, despite the safety and stability their new life offered. Hassan slowly lost faith and spiraled into depression as he found himself disconnected from any community in New York. Ruhainyya failed to connect to her American peers, and without proper support, her grief and anxiety bloomed into bitterness and rage that only grew as she aged. All this hatred and angst and powerlessness found an outlet when she discovered the occult, a study she saw as both an escapist power fantasy and as a way to spite god. . After a couple years spending most evenings studying apocrypha of all kinds at the New York Public library, Ruhainyya began to get more involved with the actual Occult scene in underground New York and on the burgeoning world wide web. It was a community where she felt like she belonged, and it was the most social she had been in years. The people in the scene began to recognize her, and gave her the nickname Raine. As she spent more and more time interacting with other occultists she came across one particularly knowledgeable figure, a woman named Makeda Aeshur. The two bonded over their study of Simiyya, a Sufi-Occult eschatological study that was uncommon even in the scene, and Makeda quickly took on Raine as a student. It was not long before Raine had proven herself a valuable and driven student, and it was not long after that that Makeda revealed herself as a Vampire and embraced her. . With her embrace Raine was not only inducted into life as a vampire of the Tremere Clan, she was also inducted into the Cult of Babalon, a Demiurge Cult that deifies the Whore of Babylon, who's teachings Makeda had been emphasizing and espousing ever since she had begun teaching her new student. To her disappointment however, Raine learned that the Cult of Mysterion is a dwindling religion that receives little recognition or claim to power within kindred society. Only the Tremere recognize any value in the cults teachings and practices, and even then cult members are largely disregarded amongst the ranks of the Pyramid. Worse, after her embrace Makeda kept Raine largely cloistered, allowing only limited connection to other Tremere for years as Raine underwent rigorous tutelage (and indoctrination) from her sire. Even with that limited access, Raine still proved to be an eager and deft student of the clan's lore and disciplines. She often found herself shunned, especially by vampires of other clans, for her weak blood, abrasive nature, and odd religion, but this was nothing she hadn't dealt with before. . A few months ago, Makeda announced that she was leaving to study with her Sire, and that she was entrusting the Cult's library and New York operations (which so far consists only of personal study and cleaning the Mithraeum ) to Raine. This was shocking to her, since she had still been on a short leash until this point, but before she could even get her legs under her, Makeda had left. Now Raine spends her days fervently studying the most esoteric of her cults texts and begging for whatever instruction she can receive from the Tremere ancilla. She bears the weight of her whole cult now, and Makeda did not say when she would return…

camarilla.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/19 01:07 by nybn