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Leader: Rose Jones


Clan/Bloodline: Ahrimane

Gen: 10th

Allegiance: Independent(Camarilla)

Age: 87

Apparent Age: 16

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Green

Merits: Inoffensive to Animals, Natural Leader, Iron Will

Flaws: New Arrival, Special Responsibility, Lunacy, Prey Exclusion

Road: Path of Harmony

Background: In Life: Born in the American South-West, Rose was raised in the shadow of World War 2, but from a farm at the feet of the Superstision Mountain Rage, even the patriotism of the age seemed to pass her by. In an age of inequality, she was raised so far from the modern world that she showed up to her first(and only) sock-hop in overalls , and didn't see a TV until she was already embraced. Her father, however, was not just a farmer, but a transendentalist, well before the hippies took up their movement, so despite a lack of formal education, Rose was well schooled in a variety of subjects, and knew the wilderness as well as anyone.

Her embrace was as natural and as random as the rest of her life. A few days walk from her home, she was trapped by a falling rock and pinned. She escaped that, but with a broken leg there was no way she would be able to find help before the elements claimed her. Still, she struggled for three nights, and on the third night, a Gangrel who had been watching came to make her an offer which she did not accept. Again the Gangrel came the next night, and they began to talk. Although the vampire understood little of her philosophical problems, it was intrigued by the independence she showed, and again offered to embrace her, and she again refused. On the next night, the Gangrel came and simply asked how vampirism could be unnatural when it was found in nature. Rose accepted the embrace, and then continued her journey as if nothing had changed. In Death: It wasn't until a few decades later than she finally approached civilization, much changed from what she had once been. Somewhere outside of New Orleans, she met a vampire who was immediately taken by the quiet, self-assured Rose. They quickly formed a pack, and that pack grewwith numbers of like-minded Gangrel, many who had been recently embraced. They cared for each other, and thought that was all they needed, until Rose met Muricia, and again began a conversation. There was much more to the world than man and beast, there was also the spirit. She knew immediately that Muricia had found a deeper truth, and asked that her pack all be given the third birth and become Ahrimanes.

She arrived inexplicably in New York just after Jane became Prince, and though they were clearly never going to join a corrupt and oppressive sect like the Camarilla, they offered their assistance, should it be needed, to the nascent ruler. With the equally bizarre premission of the Prince, they have claimed part of Central Park as their haven.

Rose's Pack



Sire: Rose (Adopted)

Clan/Bloodline: Ahrimanes

Gen: 12th

Allegiance: Independent

Age: 76

Apparent Age: 17

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Brown

Merits: Secret Stash, Sabbat Survivor, Concentration

Flaws: New Arrival, Special Responsibility, Shy

Background: One of Rose's original coterie members. He wholly believes in their cause and would do anything to see it come to fruition. Despite being embraced in 1962 he has taken a liking to technology and computers, along with various tools that can assist with theft so that their brothers and sisters can survive.

He's something of a paranoid hoarder, and keeps stashes of supplies nearby in case the Ahrimanes might need them.



Clan/Bloodline: Ahrimanes

Gen: 10th

Allegiance: Independent

Age: 92

Apparent Age: 28

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Green

Merits: Inoffensive to Animals, Catlike Balance, Light Sleeper

Flaws: New Arrival, Special Responsibility, Lazy

Background: A former City Gangrel who spends most of her nights dreaming of a more interesting future. Monique was the first to meet Rose and propose expanding their pack together. They traveled all over the south and eventually met Muricia. Where the entire pack was changed into Ahrimanes. Monique is at home in any city, using local animals to help her scout out safe locations, and is disarmingly charming for a Gangrel. She uses this as an advantage to help the pack, and get others to do the heavy lifting for her. This skill is a double edged sword, and she often ends up relying on others so much she forgets to prepare herself.

Noriko Tojo


Sire: Rose (Adopted)

Clan/Bloodline: Ahrimanes

Gen: 9th (Originally 11th)

Allegiance: Independent

Age: 42

Apparent Age: 23

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Brown

Merits: Inoffensive to Animals, Bruiser, Hidden Diablerie, Language (Japanese, English)

Flaws: Enemy (Tzimisce 1), Territorial, Permanent Fangs

Background: In life the daughter of a Yakuza Boss who was active in the United States from the 70s to late 80s. She traveled often between Japan and New York, being thrown into the classrooms of two different cultures while her dad was always away on business. She became something of a loner, except when it came to sports. Out on the field she could destroy anyone in soccer. Off the field she got involved with delinquent groups and eventually her own gangs. She was injured in a gang shootout late one night, and was embraced by a 10th Generation Gangrel.

Her unlife possessed many similarities to her mortal life. There were constant gang battles in the streets of New York as the Camarilla and Anarchs struggled to carve out their territories in the early 2000s while Jane was cementing her power. During one of these fights, she lost control and diablerized a Tzimisce. The act slowly ate away at her soul every moment she was awake, until finally she was convinced the only way to make up for it was watch the sun rise.

But then Rose and her Ahrimanes pack found Noriko out in the woods. They somehow convinced her there was more to life than turning to ash. Another way she could redeem herself. Noriko has been a part of their clan since that night, searching for the answer that will let her soul rest. She acts as the groups muscle and uses her expertise with weapons to keep their pack safe.

Followers of Set

The Followers of Set also have a temple in Queens. They have kept a low profile, and have been known to help all sides, at once ingratiating and alienating themselves from the other sects. They are small enough to not be seen as a threat, and valuable enough that though none will admit it, many wish for them to stay.


Alicia Ward


Clan/Bloodline: Follower of set

Gen: 13th

Allegience: Independent

Age: 28

Apparent Age: 24

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Brown

Merits: Light Sleeper,Old Pal

Flaws: Bad Sight, Phobia, Old Flame

Background: Alicia grew on on the streets of New York, with little hope for her own future, and no support from an abusive family. She quickly fell into drugs, gangs, and prostitution, and was resigned to not living 'til thirty before she had even reached adulthood. She reached rock bottom at just 16 years of age, when she found herself abandoned in a pool of her own vomit, without even friends willing to save her. She was dragging herself to the hospital when, in a moment of clarity, she found herself outside a front for the Followers of Set. Later, the priestess would say that it was Set himself who had led her there and not the hospital.

Old habits were hard to break, and she failed as often as she succeeded, but for the first time in her life, she had a goal to strive for, and people supporting her. After her training and initiation, she did, indeed, seem to have a strong spiritual connection. It was not the power, but the illumination that she sought. She had been born again, and wished to lead others down the path she had found. She has just finished her training, and been inducted into the deeper mysteries of the religion, allowing her to finally turn her focus outwards, towards helping others. More than anything, she seeks a connection with people that she lacked growing up.

The Priestess


Sire: Unknown

Clan/Bloodline: Followers of Set

Gen: 8th

Allegiance: Church of Set

Age: 424

Apparent Age: 20

Hair color: White

Eye color:

Merits: Enchanting Voice, Addictive Blood, Blush of Health, Drug Resistance, Indelible, Calm Heart, Eidetic Memory, Unbondable

Flaws: Bad Sight (3), Scales (1), Amnesia, Thirst For Innocence

Road: Path of Ecstasy

Background: A mysterious woman, her origins completely unknown, she was found singing to herself on the steps of the Setite temple one day. She asked to enter, citing the religious teachings of the Followers with a strange, quiet fervor. Since then, she's been a staple of the Setite presence within New York, her mysterious charisma bending kine and kindred alike to temptation with a silken ease. Her tactics are far less direct than most within the temple, but her whispers always wear down her victims' resolve in the end. Some believe she inherited the soul of the Snake of Eden. Others say she's a childe of Set himself. The truth remains unknown, and those who look to closely for it find themselves slipping into sweet, sweet temptation…

Player Characters

Avrora Mamonova, aka 'Ava'


Sire: Bast Shehata (Adopted 6th gen)

Clan/Bloodline: Banu Haqim / Warrior Setites (Adopted)

Gen: 8th

Allegiance: Independent, Followers of Set (Cult of Taweret, Warriors)

Age: 101

Apparent Age: 23

Hair color: Dyes often, naturally blonde.

Eye color: Blue

Merits: Addictive Blood, Blush of Health, Indelible, Setite Initiate, Eat Food, Language (x2)

Flaws: Infertile Vitae, Outcast (Assamite), Heartless

Road: Path of Ecstasy

Background: Avrora came from a distinguished Russian family and served in WW2 as an intelligence officer. While stationed in the Persian corridor, she had the misfortune of catching the eye of a wandering Assamite, who concluded she would be an ideal recruit to bring into the fold as either a warrior or vizier. The warriors won out, and she was embraced against her will after her cover was blown at the 1943 Tehran conference between the Allied European leaders.

She was quickly brought up to speed and the Assamites made use of her talents of seduction and intellect to fight their wars out in the open with intelligence, spycraft, and when needed hit jobs. That is until she was noticed by the Setites and quickly seduced by their enticing offers. Their promises and religion resonated with her soul. Ava grew dissatisfied with her Assamite leash and wanted out.

The Setites made it happen, in exchange for her eternal loyalty and the opportunity to diablerize her sire, who was a notorious Assamite general. She lured her general to a rendezvous where the security had been compromised by the Setites and the Setite Warrior Bast Shehata ambushed him and consumed his soul. She then removed Avrora's heart for safe keeping, and intends not to return it until Avrora proves her absolute loyalty to the clan. Bast believes the only way she can do this is by abandoning the Path of Ecstasy, to take up the Path of the Warrior and prepare for Set's final return.

Ava may have other plans. But her blood has been highly altered with Setite sorceries, giving her many traits unique to the clan, while leaving her sterile and unable to create childer. This setback, along with her being at the mercy of her adopted Sire, makes any move to work against Bast incredibly dangerous.

No one knows why Ava is in New York, but the local Setite businesses and temples readily jumped at the opportunity to have an Ancilla close at hand. She masquerades as a Toreador or a regular follower of Set when it suits her.


The Giovanni have a strong presence in Queens, controlling The Basement nightclub as well as the Credmoor Health Center. Their truce with the Camarilla has kept them safe, and their willingness to deal with the Anarchs has kept them profitable.

Head of House: Rolando Abramo Giovanni


Sire: Sergio Luciano Giovanni (Rolando's Grandfather)

Clan: Giovanni (Hecata?)

Gen: 8

Allegiance: Independent/Clan

Age: 82

Apparent age: 30

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Merits: Cannibal, Enchanting Voice, Friendly face, medium

Flaws: Vengeful, Smell of the Grave

Background: In Life: Rolando, or Lan as he was called to his friends, was the typical Giovanni in many regards: Wealthy, Smart, and sociable. He studied for years, got into an ivy league school on his families money, and began to work the family business. He was a frontman for several of his families operations in the late 80's as he proved his worth, always especially noted for being able to talk to anyone, even a person he hated, with a calm demeanor, earning him the nickname of The Lips. In his early 30's he was approached by his grandfather, a member higher up in the family, and offered to be Embraced into the family, something that even he had only heard rumors of. He accepted and never looked back. In Death: After his embrace he had more learning to do, and he took to it with a gusto. His ability to talk to anyone helped greatly with learning the many rituals his family knew, and he poured himself into the study of death. In the mid 2000's he was eventually tasked by his grandfather to go to New York City and represent the family and simply watch and wait. And there he went, a smile for everyone without revealing for a second the literal piles of corpses and the ghosts that lingered in the lowest depths of the Giovanni House in Queens.

Owner of The Basement: Lydia Milliner

Clan/Bloodline: Giovanni

Gen: 9th

Allegience: Giovanni

Age: 86

Apparent Age: 28

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Brown

Merits: Enchanting Voice

Flaws: Unconvinced, Spread Thin

Background: Born into the Miliner bloodline of the Giovanni in the southern states, Lydia grew up knowing she was special, and unwilling to wait for her gift to be handed to her. She didn't know the family secret, but she did know that they were different from the families of her friends. She went to the best schools, got the best education, and only associated with the best people. She was dissatisfied, however, with the idea of working her way up the family business behind a long line of old men long past their prime. She struck out on her own, moving to California to study. She was arrogant, but had the talent to back that up, even in an era when most women would have had a difficult time succeeding. She did so well that she forgot about her family and their mystery. The moment she ceased to take an interest in the family business, however, her luck took a turn of the worse. She was harrassed, fired, and unable to find another job. Soon she couldn't find any work at all. Destitute, she returned to her family, her confidence shaken. It was then that she was embraced and introduced to the true Miliner line. It didn't take much research for her to realize that it had been her family sabotaging her to draw her back in. Her anger at their betrayal was complete, but she has, until now, worked faithfully for the family and positioned herself the middle of their New York interests, including as operator of The Basement club.


Alexandra Devis


Clan/Bloodline: Nagaraja

Gen: 12th

Allegience: Giovanni

Age: 30

Apparent Age: 20

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Blue

Merits: Medium, Oracular Ability, Spirit Mentor

Flaws: Cold Breeze, Eerie Presence, Lord of the Flies, Light Sensitive, Too Curious

Background: Just a normal college student with a taste for urban exploration, Alexandra's insatiable curiosity and willingness to adventure were what made her so attractive to so many, but also what led to her ultimate demise. She and a few friends broke into the Seattle Underground, unaware of what waited for them below. Her friends began to disappear one by one, but still she continued on. Even when she was alone, she pressed forward. When it came her time, and the jaws of her pursuer were locked around her throat, she was asked why she hadn't run. She had replied quiet honestly, that she needed to see where her path would take her.

Amused, her Sire embraced her, and opened her eyes to an entirely new world of exploration: the spiritual. It was her curiousity, not any sort of cruelty, that stripped away her humanity, and when her Sire parted was with her, it was because her Sire feared that curiousity would lead to both of their demise. On her own, she eventually fell in with the Giovanni, who made her an offer she took as much on a whim as for fear of what might happen to her. She currently lives in the Creedmoor Psychiatric Center, where she controls the spirits that the Malkavian Karen attracts. The Giovanni told Karen that they had taught her rituals to protect herself, but that was a lie. Alexandra is the only think keeping the Center from turning into a true house of horror.

Karen Fischer


Clan/Bloodline: Malkavian

Gen: 12th

Allegiance: Independent

Age: 121

Apparent Age: 45

Hair color: Blonde

Eye color: Blue

Merits: Medium, Bruiser, Coldly Logical

Flaws: Tic, Glowing Eyes, Prey Exclusion, Expendable, Enemies, Haunted, Beacon of the Unholy

Road: Humanity

Background: Her Life: A first generation German immigrant to the US, Karen was raised in Minneapolis, and only moved to New York for her husband's work. She herself was educated as a nurse, and took a job in a psychiatric ward. Although the practices of the age were barbaric, she made them all the worse with a callous disregard for others' pain, and a disdain for the mentally ill. More than the doctors and procedures, patients came to fear her and the everyday cruelties she would inflict upon them. She was, however, very good at keeping her ward in order, and rose through the ranks, eventually taking control of the hospital as Head Nurse. At home, she had a surprisngly normal home life with one child, a successful husband, and a nice apartment, and so it was there, not the hospital, where a the past finally found her.

Hers was an embrace of revenge. Her family killed, she was bonded to an old patient who had been embraced after his release. He thought to damn her and torture her for an eternity, ruining her as she had done to him and so many others. For a time, it worked. His technique was poor, but one didn't have to be careful in administering shock therapy or lobotomies when the patient was a vampire. What he didn't realize until it was too late was how her madness would manifest. It began with her instructing him how to perform a surgery on her correctly, and ended with him dominating her through the blood bond to force her to perform a surgery on him that would put him into torpor. She keeps him in a wheelchair to this day. Her Unlife: Once free of her Sire, she picked up where she had left off in life, but without the tethers of job and family, madness overtook her, and her obsession with order became unfocused cruelty. Her curse had fit her crimes as well–her sensitivity to the supernatural attracted flocks of spirits who despised her. It was in this state that the Giovanni found her. At first they were only interested in the attraction she held for wraiths, but then they made the mistake of listening to her. Within a week, she had convinced them that instead of using her as a test subject, that letting her run an asylum would give them all the spirits they would ever need, and be a wonderful place to make their enemies disappear. They gave her the closed down Creedmoor Psychiatric Center's Building 25, and then taught her enough necromancy to leash the spirits she drew to her(she thinks. The truth is that Alexandra is doing all the work. Karen learned a rite out of a cheap new age book).

This didn't just attract wraiths. Malkavians flocked to her, and she welcomed them. She needed both patients and staff for her fantasy, although it is unclear at times who is which. Each night, they play out the same scenes, a twisted game of analysis and torture. These volunteers, and even the morbidly curious and disturbed who have braved a visit, are usually safe from more permanent therapy, but that does not hold true of involuntarily committed guests. The Giovanni, and even the Tremere, have called upon her services to 'cure' those who don't see situations the same way they do. Because of this, and because those who aren't committed are usually left unmolested, she and her coterie have been afforded a surprising amount of protection.

Player Characters

Aisha della Passaglia


Sire: Paola della Passaglia (Giovanni Revenant Bloodline)

Clan/Bloodline: Caitiff

Gen: 9th

Allegiance: Giovanni / Lydia Miliner (Regnant)

Age: 61 | Ghouled: 1980 | Embraced: 2010

Apparent Age: 20

Hair color: Black/Green underlayer

Eye color: Amber

Merits: Coldly Logical, Concentration, Benevolent Domitor, Multilingual, Medium (Nightmares only), Revenant Disciplines (Auspex, Necromancy, Fortitude)

Flaws: Tic/Twitch (Smoking), Nightmares, Seizures

Road/Path: Humanity

Background: In Life: Daughter of Asian and Italian immigrants, Aisha's family came from a line of witches that caught the interest of the Della Passaglia family in the 15th century as they began setting up operations all over East Asia. Primarily used as ghouls, they eventually moved back to the United States to pursue family interests, and so Aisha was born in the Americas at the cusp of the information age.

She became fascinated with writing and investigative journalism, using everything at her disposal to learn more about the world. Early on this led to her contributing to a few media pieces for the family, highlighting their generous charity contributions and fund raising efforts. Her intuition however, told her that something was very wrong. Stories didn’t add up. Some of the charities were just shell corporations that funneled the money to other corporations of dubious origin. If the family was in the business of money laundering, what other secrets might they be hiding?

Her aptitude in discovering the truth led her down the dark path of her family's secrets and those of the Giovanni. Eventually she dug too deep for her own good and was given an ultimatum: Become a ghoul and study necromancy, with embrace in the cards if she excelled, or sink to the bottom of the ocean with brand new cinderblock shoes.

It wasn't much of a choice, so she turned her talents to investigative work for the family while struggling with the utter addiction that was vitae. She was given to the Milliners as an assistant in all their affairs for three decades, and was eventually given a proxy kiss by a relative of the Della Passaglia family, infamous among the top minds of the family for breeding ghouls into highly observant revenants.

- In Death: Being a gifted student with a love for problem solving and the three decades she had to study necromancy as a ghoul couldn’t prepare her for the cruel twists fate had in store. The embrace didn’t go as planned. She was reborn as a Caitiff, and deemed an unfortunate disappointment by the Giovanni family, despite the protests of her sire who knew how talented Aisha was. After a short time under Paola’s tutelage, they shipped her off to New York to assist Rolando Giovanni, who saw fit to bind her into Lydia’s care.

Despite being a Caitiff and treated poorly by other members of the extended Giovanni family, there are some that recognize her unique talent and may want to use her as their own tool to reshape their personal fortunes. Even a Caitiff of low generation could be very powerful, and Aisha was lucky enough to be given the proxy kiss by an eighth generation member responsible for overseeing one of the eastern revenant families.

Aisha has no love for her extended family save Lydia and her sire, Paola; most are disgusting brutes with their heads stuck so far up their asses they turn a blind eye to all kinds of horrible crimes committed by their proxy kin. However, some treat her kindly, and they did teach her that there was more to the universe than what she could see in front of her. A whole reality that almost no one could perceive, filled with danger, excitement, and the forgotten knowledge of their ancestors. A place that faith alone failed to reach, but when combined with magic could open the threshold. For that gift, she is obligated to do as they wish.

Aisha suffers from a unique condition among kindred since her embrace. The grand mal seizures she occasionally experienced as a mortal became much worse. But there is a second far more terrifying change. Every night before she awakes, she is locked in terrible nightmares without fail. In these nightmares spirits and wraiths show her many disturbing things. Sometimes she sees flashes of their past, their present, or is herself hunted in an inescapable labyrinth by creatures that defy description.

As part of her personal studies, she is currently in search of an artifact rumored to be somewhere in New York that would let her see effortlessly into the Shadowlands, and perhaps more…


James White


Sire: Broken Mirror

Clan/Bloodline: Malkavian

Gen: 13th

Allegiance: Independent, Arturia

Age: 29

Apparent Age: 22

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Hazel

Merits: Oracular Ability

Flaws: Overstimulated, Addict (Meth)

Road: Humanity

Background: One of the few kindred to succeed in not only surviving an encounter with Arturia, but befriending her, James is Arturia's anonymous contact and ally on the streets. He keeps her updated about the going ons in and around Queens, and in exchange she offers him protection in the few times drug deals go wrong or other kindred try to take advantage of his madness.

Player Characters

Arturia Pendragon


Sire: Gabriel

Clan/Bloodline: Warrior Salubri

Gen: 6th

Allegiance: Independent, Clan Salubri, Mia

Age: 1609

Apparent Age: 21

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Blue

Merits: Code of Honor, Iron Will, Early Riser, Blooding By The Code, Golconda Seeker (5)

Flaws: Infertile Vitae, Hunted Like a Dog, Odd Eye (2)

Road: Code of Samiel

Background: Embraced by Samiel's child Gabriel while the older kindred was travelling to the North through the lands of Britannia, Arturia found herself suddenly thrust into the cruel and unforgiving world of ancient kindred society. Back then, the masquerade was far less a concern, and many vampires openly showed feats of superhuman ability, becoming immortalised in legend. Arturia, despite not knowing it then, would become one such Kindred. Charged with the protection of a healer Salubri, Guinevere, she sought to bring order and peace to the kingdom she had been born to. She began to gain repute after her feats of bravery and might in battle showed her to be a mighty warrior; though she hid her true name and gender behind the mantle of Arthur. Over many years of fighting, she eventually came to claim the throne and assume the title of King of Britannia, forming a coterie of loyal kindred around her. And for a time, all was well. Her loyal friend of the Founderless Clan Tremere enchanted a mighty blade for her, her loyal knights gathered of the clans Ventrue, Lasombra and Brujah reinforced her martial prowess and helped repel countless foes from Britannia's lands. But tragedy struck, shortly after Guinevere had sired her first childe. On their way returning, Baali struck, hunting Guinevere for diablerie. Guinevere's child escaped, but Guinevere was not so lucky. Lancelot arrived to try and save his beloved Healer, but was too late, flying into frenzy at the realization of what had happened to her.

Time passed, as it's prone to doing. Arturia stepped down from the throne, dedication herself to the protection of Guinevere's Childe. But as the healers must do, she set off in search of Golconda, choosing to head eastward. Arturia was left alone. She denied herself sleep, for it was she who must watch over the dwindling remains of her once proud clan. She watched for centuries, unable to have childe of her own to reinforce her dying bloodline. Until, she found herself in a small house in Far Rockaway in Queens. And until, she got a call from Guinevere's childe. Not much, just a room number at the local hospital and a ' goodbye'. And so, the once proud king gathered her blade and bike, and made her way to take a new charge on, and to protect her blood once more.

Mia Brunelli


Sire: Enide

Clan/Bloodline: Salubri

Gen: 7th

Allegience: Independent

Age: 18

Apparent Age: 18

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Green

Merits: Eidetic Memory, Oracular Ability

Flaws: Cursed(progressive blindness with increased Humanity), Phobia(thanatophobia, particularly the smell)

Background: Mia was born and raised in the shadows of Big Ellis in the Ravenswood Projects of Queens as the eldest of a family of seven. and in one of the largest cities in the world, never really saw much of anything. Her life wasn't bad, but it was hard. Her family lived month to month, with her father working in a nearby factory, and her mother at a daycare. She grew up tough but happy, and protective but kind. She was, however, singularly gifted. Her family stressed her education, and in between juggling responsibilities at home and her own part time job, she managed to get decent grades, and everyone was hopeful she would be the first in living memory to go to college. She was going to be a doctor of pediatrics. She nearly was. Her father was diagnosed and died of a work-related cancer when she was 15. The compensation from the company was hardly sufficient to support a family, and her mother crumbled under the stress of keeping them together. A few of her siblings were moved to the homes of relatives, a few were taken by protective services, and within a year, Mia was alone with her mother, whose failing health, mentally and physically, meant on a good day she was asleep. On a bad day she was out of control. Mia refused to leave, but without any support, was left to make decisions for both herself and her mother. She grew embittered, not by the situation, but by the lack of understanding from others. Having taken responsibility, she blamed herself for their situation, and anger grew into rebelliousness. Her grades fell, and her friendset grew at once older and more unruly. She was arrested on minor charges a few times, but was just brought back to her home and left alone. The summer she was 17, she went to visit her siblings for a few weeks. When she came back, she found her mother dead in bed, and that way for several days in the abandoned house. She blamed herself for not being there, and was unable to move on. She moved to her grandparent's house, but spent more time on the streets than at home. Filled with self-blame and anger, Mia began to spiral into many of the same behaviors her mother had. On her final day as a conscious mortal, she had been out too late with people she shouldn't know, doing things she shouldn't do. It was just a normal night for her until finding a woman collapsed. What she thought to be a medical problem turned out to be domestic violence, and in trying to help, Mia found herself caught up in a situation that quickly grew out of hand, and none of her 'friends' were there to support her. It only took a few blows for the damage to be done. Even if she woke again, it would be with a host of disabilities on top of mental health issues she was already facing. She spent a week in a coma, and then rather mysteriously, died. In truth, she was mostly healed by an ancient Salubri who had chosen to embrace her. Although the embrace had been purposeful, the timing was not. A Malkavian had warned her Sire of their imminent diablerie at the hands of a Tremere which forced her hand. A serious, calculating woman, her Sire had no choice but to have her childe diablerize her, and entrust her training as a healer to an unlikely mentor: a warrior.


Anita Dragomir


Sire: Alexandru Baciu

Clan: Tzimisce

Gen: 10

Allegiance: Independent

Age: 216

Apparent Age: 43

Hair color: Dark Grey (in a tight bun)

Eye Color: Grey

Merits: Iron Will, Languages 3pts (Latin, English, Romanian, Hungarian)

Flaws: Ancestral Soil Dependency

Road: Road of Kings

Background: In Life: Anita was , supposedly, a simple woman. She married young, had three daughters, and worked the land with her husband. It was not until past her 35th year that she became notable. Her husband was found laying with another woman, so she poisoned him and took over the farm, making drastic changes her husband was too cowardly to do. She hired others to work the land and take it farther to sell, then used the money to buy more land and repeat the process. When her eldest daughters husband beat her, she took care of her daughter and then the husband, just as she had her own. In time she grew to have a reputation in the Transylvanian countryside: “When you hurt a maiden or mother, Dark Anita will see it and repay the wrong 3 fold.” It didn't take long for the lord of the land, Alexandru to hear and one fateful night, nearly a decade after her husbands death, claimed her as her own. In Death: If the People feared Dark Anita in the prime of her life, they would live in horror of her in the prime of her unlife. Under the Lord Baciu she would become feared for her use of the Koldunic magics. Wherever they went she could be heard, as a whisper on the winds, and a cold wind from the mountains followed her everywhere, sending men to their deaths. In time the new century came and she left her Master and her great grand daughters to watch the land, while she traveled to America, watching over those who would claim the name Tzimisce with scorn and the care of a wary Wife or Mother-In-Law. Her hand ready to help or poison at a moments notice.



Sire: Multiple/Unknown

Clan/Bloodline: Tzimisce

Gen: 8th

Allegiance: None

Age: 21

Apparent Age: 20

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Brown

Merits: Apostate (Replacing Auspex), Berserker, Bruiser, Pain Tolerance, Promethean Clay

Flaws: Flesh Eater, Territorial, Eerie Presence, Beacon of the Unholy

Road: Path of Metamorphosis

Background: Created by a group of Baali with the intent of forming a body for their demonic master. However, they failed to take all precautions, and the body's original soul remained within. It broke free, diablerising its creators and fading into the night. It now stalks the Forest Park in Brooklyn, feeding from wildlife and the occasional unfortunate person who wanders a little too late at night.

Granpa Nite(The Trader)


Sire: Unknown

Clan/Bloodline: Samedi

Gen: 5th

Allegiance: Self

Age: 328

Apparent Age: 64 in usual MoTF

Hair color: Gray-ish Black

Eye color: Red

Merits: -

Flaws: Beacon of the Unholy, Permanent Fangs, Arcane Curse (Ember Skin)

Road: Path of Bones

Background: No one knows where exactly the stiff commonly referred to as only 'The Trader' or 'Granpa Nite' came from. Some believe him to have always been there, living in the shadows, slowly building the empire that to all other eyes had suddenly surfaced in New York, offering services, connections and exotic goods. Granpa Nite himself is incredibly tight-lipped about his past and his emporium, though he seemingly doesn't mind the questions, just always brushing them off with a joke and some mystic flair. With a generally friendly, albeit rather blunt and sometimes even jokingly rude demeanour Granpa Nite appears to be a good fellow to deal with, but those that deal with him quickly realise that he is a man of two faces, for those that try and cheat him or worse try to steal from him often find themselves… lesser than they were before. His business doesn't only encompass his trade emporium and multiple crematoriums and morgues, but also various stands in the Bronx Night Market selling Vodoun artifacts … of questionable authenticity… and his dealings with mortals as oungan, a Vodou priest. Even with all his secrets, there is definitely one thing that everyone knows about 'The Trader'. If you need something, anything, he has it or can probably get it. Functional arcane artefacts, weapons, blood, secret knowledge and more are his trade goods. He also often employs the help of other kindred in a complex trade system to attain goods and fulfil contracts, and while he accepts failure he is known to severely punish those that try and cheat him. Often appearing as an older gentleman of African descent with greying dreadlocks and a thick accent, his true form is that of a rotting, burnt corpse; dry, droopy skin almost appearing to still flicker with embers.

Mary Turner


Clan/Bloodline: Nosferatu

Gen: 8th

Allegience: Independent

Age: 258

Apparent Age: 25

Hair color: Blonde

Eye color: Black

Merits: Enchanting Voice, Iron Will, Eidetic Memory, Introspection

Flaws: Curiousity

Background: One of the fabled 242 women on the first boat to Australia from England, Mary had been convicted of the heinous crime of theft of a handkerchief. A crime she hadn't actually committed. Nevertheless, coming from an impoverished family who could neither afford a lawyer, nor even the time to come to her defense, she was summarily imprisoned and then shipped off to the penal colony. She had lead an unremarkable life up until that point, working as a maid and other menial labor positions, but her defining attribute had always been her curiousity. Even without a formal education, she had learned a great deal by getting into places where she should not have been. That did not go away just because she was imprisoned. On the way across the ocean, she had been tasked with serving food to the others, but when she slipped away into the store rooms, she found something she had never expected. Along with the first immigrants, the first Nosferatu had also been sent. A Kindred so vile that he had been put into torpor and sent across the ocean, because Final Death would have been too kind. She removed the stake, and although he promptly fed from her, he did not kill her. That night, he had made her his ghoul, and begun to take over the ship for himself. By the time they arrived, she was fully bonded to him, and oversaw his transportation into Sydney. He was the cause of many deaths on the trip there. Her regent was a terrible, cruel man, but she was useful, and in her time serving him, quite attentive. Without her, her Regent would have not survived the first, hard time of settlement, and they did little more than exist on the outskirts of society for decades. She learned much from him over the years, and much of the world, raising herself from an uneducated maid into a successful importer. She learned how to conceal herself behind male figureheads, and how to get people to do what she wished without them realizing they were being controlled. It was only a matter of time before she grew clever enough to manipulate her Regent in the same way. There were things she, as a mortal, could not stop, however, and after a century of peaceful solitude, they finally were confronted by rival Kindred. Her Regent had become lazy with her doing all the work, and she foresaw their failure. Again she manipulated him, and convinced him to embrace her. The new found power gave her strength to turn the tide, and stabilize their holdings. After she had done so, she promptly diablerized her Sire, leaving no one to know of her existence. A lifetime of hiding her real intentions had made her increasingly paranoid, and her desire to expand her work beyond Sydney provoked her total disappearance, and immigration to the US. She had spent a full century travelling the country, building connections, and establishing a variety of corporations before she found a home in New York. The Nosferatu Primogen not only knew who she was, but welcomed her, with the understanding that her anonymity would be protected, and in return she would help build the power base of the Nosferatu. Few know her personally, but many have seen those who work for her, and many more have worked indirectly for her purposes, without ever knowing they did so.



Sire: Abediah

Clan/Bloodline: Malkavian

Gen: 14th

Allegiance: Independent

Age: 22

Apparent Age: 21

Hair color: Blue

Eye color: Blue

Merits: Blush of Health, Enchanting Voice, Indelible, Pain Tolerance, Heart of Needles, Distracting Aura

Flaws: 14th Generation, Thin Blood, Lunacy, Overstimulated, Beacon of the Unholy

Road: Path of Cathari

Background: Once a target for recruitment by the Toreador, Princess was a popular internet personality in life. An idol, brought to America to conquer a new demographic, her popularity was on the rise. However, her sire saw beneath the surface, deep into the twisted mind beyond the facade. Utterly psychopathic even in life, Princess was the ideal Childer for any depraved son or daughter of Malkav. However, the blood ran too thin, too little, too late. She came back, but as a thin blood, a duskborn. Her sire considered abandoning her, but to his surprise she was already gone. She spent the year after her embrace studying, practicing, learning what she was as she finally threw aside her obsolete humanity. And now, she makes her return debut to the limelight, ready to corrupt and draw forth the madness within her adoring fans.

Sasha "The Sculptor"


Sire: Tanya Malinkova

Clan/Bloodline: Tzimisce

Gen: 6th

Allegiance: Herself

Age: 713

Apparent Age: 25, but changes regularly

Hair color: Black, but changes regularly

Eye color: Amber, but changes regularly

Merits: Bioluminescence, Promethean Clay, Inoffensive to Animals, Unbondable, Multi-Lingual, Grand Library, Eidetic Memory, Sturdy, Huge Size, Controllable Night Sight, Bruiser

Flaws: Ancestral Soil Dependency, Beacon of the Unholy, Eerie Presence, Vengeful

Road/Path: Path of Self-Focus

Background: Born into the Grimaldi family in the late middle ages in what would come to be Germany, Sasha came into contact with kindred society almost from the start of her life. She was raised to be yet another useful part of the Revenant family, a connection for the Sabbat to the human world and its few benefits. But early on the woman realised that she wasn't quite like the others, where other youths would cower in fear of their vampiric masters, Sasha showed calculated respect and subservience. Where others clung to morals and humanity, Sasha started to forge herself into someone capable of self-sufficiency… when the time was right of course. But when she came of age and was about to be sent off to work for the Sabbat, to keep the Masquerade and supply her superiors with the coin needed to go after their nightly business, when she was to be bound to the local bishop overseeing her family branch… that was when she for once faltered, the taking of her free will would be a severe wrench in her machinations, her plans. There was nothing she could do of course… she was cunning sure, but that wouldn't help against the magic of the bond. At the time it was a relatively recent and rare development for some of the Grimaldi to be bound, to assure there was going to be no betrayal. As such Sasha hadn't been able to prepare for it, to find some kind of loophole, but… fate shone upon her with benevolent light. For when she had almost resigned herself to her fate already and tasted the bishop's vitae… she didn't feel anything. No need to follow orders, no urge to prove herself or to keep her master happy. Nothing but her own will.

Of course she played along and for years did her part as a Grimaldi, bringing in money and doing what she needed to please her masters. It was a prime opportunity to craft connections and familiarise herself with the kindred world after all. And eventually her efforts payed off, her work got recognised, by a Paladin of all people, a Rus Tzimisce by the name of Tanya Malinkova. She took her along on a journey through Wallachia and eventually into Rus' territory. It was meant to be not only a physical but also a spiritual journey and Tanya told her much about the ancient history of the the clan and its predecessors, of the Shaper, Ynosh, Yorak, The Dracon and more. About their traditions and the ancient pacts some of them had made with a being of immense power. Sasha learned of the Lelék and the spirit in all things, how to honor them, how to entice them, how to utilise them. And after a few more years of servitude she finally tasted the crimson vitae of her sire as she breathed her last and first. - More time went by and she studied both fleshcrafting and koldunic arts from her sire, who still believed her to be bound and at her every beck and call… but eventually, when Malinkova's font of wisdom ran dry, Sasha did the same to her sire and drained her fully when she least expected it. The diablerie of her sire was but the first step though to true freedom and even if they had lived secluded, away from other kindred, she still had to lay low for now. Amass power and experience, ripen her arts and forge herself into a tool of her desires. For a while she donned Malinkova's appearance and identity, she had studied her master long enough to pull off a decent job and use her once more to further her own goals. As such the decades went by and eventually she returned to her original homecountry. On a full moon night she set her sights on the haven of Anselm the Pious, the very bishop she was once supposed to be bound to, one of the few that started the practice in the Grimaldi family that early. With the Lelék on her side, Sasha tore the very earth beneath the haven asunder and watched the building above crumple like a brittle shack in a storm. When the bishop finally emerged from the wreckage, skull half caved in and bones broken, he gazed upon the shape of the dragon, an homage to her heritage, her war form. That was the last he saw before he too was drained like her sire before, mercilessly, fully… - It was after this deed that Sasha made a sentimental mistake, thinking of her family, the people that were once close to her and went through similar experiences, that had their freedom denied and were only used for other's gain… She freed them, five in total, Grimaldi that had been in the service of the bishop. Sasha took them in and started to teach them, similarly to how Malinkova had once taught her… though less thoroughly, she was all too much aware of ending on the other side of the fangs. But what she didn't consider was how deep the manipulation of her fellows had run, how much they had accustomed themselves to the lack of freedom and the subservience seeping through them. And one night her five disciples came, freshly embraced and in company of ghouls and other kindred to destroy her for what she had done. Sasha was forced to flee, taking into the night and leaving behind what she had thought to be her home. But she didn't stay away for long… revenge lay on her tongue and she could already taste the vitae of those that had betrayed her. One by one she started to hunt them, first those that knew about her diablerie of Anselm… there was no need to let history repeat itself, even if she still wore the guise of her sire. But the five traitors she had left for last, Markolf was the first she found and eventually left for the sun, turned into a groteque statue of flesh and pain, Kathrin the second, equally left a sculpture of groteque beauty before the sun finally released her. The other three… Didrich, Ludolf and Alda… they had gotten notice of her acts and had fled across the ocean to the west, to the new world. - Driven by her revenge, Sasha followed them across, but eventually lost their trail. But she had time, she was patient and eventually she would find them to exact her vengeance. In the meantime she could did as she had before, build up power, prepare, learn… but also enjoy her freedom. Sooner or later she would hear of her enemies, sooner or later she would find them… and then… this time… nothing would be able to safe them.

Zoe Drakos

Sire: The Eater

Clan/Bloodline: Malkavian

Gen: 5th

Allegience: Independent

Age: 2800

Apparent Age: 18

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Brown

Background: Zoe is not her name. Her name was taken from her because names have no meaning. Who she was does not matter, nor who she will be, because neither of these exist. Neither does the present. They are all manifestations of what is, which we can never hope to experience. Time does not move forward. We exist at all points throughout our existence simultaneously. We are all connected. We are all connected through our progenitor, and all exist within him. There can be no conflict if we are all one. All perceived conflict is an illusion caused by our inability to see that neither side exists. We are one. We are none. Lifetimes pass in a single breath, the reign of nations no more than the dying light of sunset on an Autumn day, eras the turning of the seasons, fading to winter only to rise again with renewed hope but little change. One's history is irrelevant. It is our connection to others that create a relief of meaning. I did not see Enoch, but I could still feel its loss reverberating through the too casual words of its children. We still feel it because it is in our blood, binding us all together. I did see Carthage fall, and tried to welcome the Brujah with the mercies of madness when their grief was inconsolable. I felt Saulot die. Just as his childer gave us succour, I have helped them ever since. I did not know what a sense of humor he had! It is difficult to not look on the Tremere and laugh, then pity them because they do not get the joke. It was to my great shame that I was far too old to join the Camarilla, and far too honest to join the Sabbat. It was good fortune I did not. The constant troubles would have quickly grown dull. There are much larger games at play that last much longer than a Kindred's lifespan. How can a child be expected to participate in a game for adults? We are their shepherds until we are not. There is no need to fear. The unknown is terrifying, but the unknowable will wash over you like a wave so far overhead that it appears to be just a faint ripple in the sky.

Player Characters

Hana West


Sire: Mari Ito

Clan/Bloodline: Volgirre Toreador

Gen: 11th

Allegiance: Independent

Age: 24 (Died at 24)

Apparent Age: 20

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: green

Merits: Enchanting Voice, Volgirre, Acute Sense: Touch, Pain Tolerance

Flaws: Bond Junkie, Long Bond, Overstimulated, Dull Bite

Road: Humanity

Background: A young woman living in Manhattan, Hana struggles by making ends meet. In the day she works at a nearby local library, and at night she cams for extra cash. After a chance encounter with a kindred, she was embraced after being intensely fleshcrafted into a new person. Forever changed by the experience, she now seeks to learn under her Sire's teachings.

Mari Ito


Sire: Aaron O'Connor/Aleksei

Clan: Toreador Volgirre

Gen: 10th

Allegience: None(Camarilla)

Age: 23

Apparent Age: 23

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Dark Brown

Merits: Volgirre(2), Medium(2), Language(1),Enchanting Voice(2)

Flaws: Touch of Frost(1),Deathsight(2), Cold Breeze(1),Cast No Reflection(1),Sire's Resentment(1)

Background: Mari's was a rising star in the LA music scene. A transplant from Japan ostensibly on a student visa, she spent more time finding places to play than actually studying, and was regularly playing in clubs all over the city by the end of her freshman year. A versitile voice, she sang everything from backup for bad R&B groups, to jazz in dive bars, to recording for techno tracks that she would never be credited for. Finally, she found her own band and some success in an eclectic mix of punk and electro-jive, and turned that into modeling work after being 'discovered' at a gig, at a bar she was far too young to be in. She wasn't famous, but she was on her way.

No one knew what to make of her. She would go from serious student, to Fall catalog model, to soulful singer, all with a genuine joy that made none of it feel incongruous. It was this grace, however, that attracted the wrong kind of attention. A Toreador with more self-importance than self-awareness had become enamoured with her, and used his influence to gain permission to sire her, convinced he would be preserving her beauty for eternity. In his twisted mind, her combination of academic aptitude and art was fated to become his childe. Her pre-med major only confirmed in his eyes that she belonged with him. He would break her mind, and leave only the beautiful, inhuman parts intact. Unfortunately, the embrace twisted what he wished to save. She saw only horrors in her new world, and him as only a monster. When the light in her was snuffed out, she became a cold, pale reflection of what she once was. His increasingly desperate attempts to torture her into enlightenment were only met with increased fear and horror. In disgust, he abandoned her without so much as an explanation. She was still beautiful, and serene in a way she hadn't been before, but it was not his vision. He left without killing her, but was too ashamed to even introduce her to the rest of Kindred society. That left her on her own, but despite being confronted with the impossible, she found her sense of dread numbed by the need to survive, and even managed to feed her first time without frenzy. It was only after the change had completed, and she truly began to grasp what had happened to her, that the fear set in. She knew nothing of Vampires or Vampire society, and had to somehow stabilize the chaos that her existence had been turned into. Her connection to death and spirits has become more real than the dreams she held just weeks prior. Although she thought herself lost, and the world a hellscape, the Kindred of LA found and cared for her. It was among these that she met Zada, her opposite in all things. Where Mari had become a cold monster, she was warm and human. Where Mari was lost and disturbed, she saw a path ahead, and though Zada had been hurt before, Mari had the open innocence to draw her out. For a time, they were happy, and when Mari's deathsight was cured, they left LA to live with Mari's parents in Japan. Comfort, however, bred overconfidence, and they both decided their home was in LA. Mari returned with a focus and determination to make a place for the both of them in the chaos of the city. When it became clear this was futile, as the Sabbat overran the other factions, Mari and Zada made a run for it, trying to escape to New York. They nearly made it. Caught just a day away from the city by pursuing Sabbat, Zada chose to face them alone, and defend Mari's escape. Her death, however, destroyed the last remnants of hope Mari had retained. The lessons of her Sire began to make sense as her mind was shattered by pain. It became clear to her that her deathsight was not a view of the world dying, but a view of how it should be, what the world was becoming. Her dormant nature came to the fore as vicissitude infected her, making her a true Volgirre. There was only pain, and she began to follow the Path of Lilith, her Sire's path, in earnest.



Sire: Vilje and Valra

Clan/Bloodline: Toreador

Gen: 9th

Allegience: Independent

Age: 85

Apparent Age: 24

Hair color: Reddish Brown

Eye color: gray

Merits: Enchanting Voice, Blush of health

Flaws: Rival Sires, Enemy 1p

Background: Nolani grew up in San Francisco, born to a middle class family. With parents both working with art in some capacity, Nolani wanted to follow in their footsteps by finding passion in her own art form.

So Nolani spent their early years experimenting with various forms of art while dealing with depression and gender questioning on top of that. They discovered their latent talent for metalwork and engraving during a school assignment and made a vow to themself to pursue their new passion with fervor and enthusiasm.

Nolani's embrace happened a few years after graduating college with high praises and an art degree. They had even begun to make a name for themselves in San Francisco, which is what drew Vilje and Valra's attention to them.

Bitter rivals neither were willing to give up their right on Siring Nolani into Clan Toreador. Coincidentally, they made their move on the same night, and in a considerable mishap, both were unable to confirm who was the true Sire.

Five years later, Nolani ended up moving out of San Franciso to set up shop in LA, fleeing the increasing hostilities between her two Sire and their respective influence.

During those five years, Vilje and Valra would find some common ground and formed a truce between the two rivals.

Current events: Nolani, alongside a large portion of the Kindred population in LA has fled to New York. Having lost her shop and become entangled in a conspiracy, Nolani hopes to free herself from its web, and with the help of Zurine and Mari, reopen her workshop.

Zurine, (Formerly Élienne Moroux)


Clan/Bloodline: Gangrel

Gen: 11th

Allegiance: Independent (Leans Anarch)

Age: 35

Apparent Age: 25

Hair color: Black, with a streak of purple dye.

Eye color: Blue-Green

Merits: Inoffensive to Animals, Acute Sense (Hearing), Blush of Health, Catlike Balance, Short Bond (V5)

Flaws: Rat in a Cage, Bond Junkie (V5)

Road/Path: Humanity

Background: Pre-Embrace Élienne had a hard life growing up. Misfortune struck her family early relegating them to barely floating above the poverty line. They relocated to Seattle Washington from Louisiana when she was young. It was a fresh start for her parents that ended up going nowhere. Élienne however thrived in public school and the outdoors, which she preferred rather than staying at home.

Eventually she went to college seeking to become a veterinarian; working nights as a bartender; volunteering at animal rehabilitation centers; going to raves and getting high; pursuing her passion of rock climbing on weekends whenever there wasn't a big test coming up. Life fell into a steady rhythm filled with ups and downs. For once it looked like she would finally be able to make a better life for herself. At least… until her outdoor hobbies caught the eye of the supernatural.

While out on a rock climbing trip Élienne was attacked by a ferocious, feral lynx. During the struggle she swore it shifted into an even more terrifying woman that attempted to sink fangs into her neck. Doing everything she could to stop the woman from biting her they tumbled off a cliff. She landed atop the woman with a sickening crunch. She couldn't feel her legs or her left arm. The woman seemed completely unharmed, and forced Élienne to drink her blood.

Just when she thought she could feel her legs and try to fight again there was a stabbing pain in her neck and then a bliss greater than anything she had ever known… Post-Embrace She awoke buried in the dirt. Her camp and any sign of their struggle gone, apart from a few splatters of her dried blood. She stumbled through the woods, unused to the strange sensations in her body. It was only after chancing upon a lost hiker that she gave conscious thought to the feeling raging inside her, hunger. By the time she realized her teeth and hands were soaked in his blood it was too late to save him.

It was then that she knew she could never go back to her previous life. Élienne had truly died yesterday. She would go by a new name and bury her past.

From then on Zurine was mostly left alone, except for rare visits by her sire to impart strange knowledge, little of it relating to her place in the world, the masquerade, or other kindred. Once she was dragged before Elysium in Seattle and found worthy enough to live outside the city. Those brief visits from her sire were filled with nothing but rebuke, pain, and disappointment. Then the mysterious woman would be gone, not to be seen for years.

After a decade of growing tired with her sire's bullshit Zurine left, and has been searching for a place to call home. First she went to Los Angeles by herself, and now New York. But this time she has friends and for now a home wherever her small pack leader Chloe Chase goes.


Alaine Hall


Clan/Bloodline: Mortal

Age: 27

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Brown

Merits: Eidetic Memory

Flaws: Shy, Soft Hearted, Bad Sight, Spoeech Impediment

Background: Alaine had never fit in. She never excelled at anything, never had many friends, and rarely showed interest in anothing that took her outside of her home. When her parents died in a car accident when she was ten, that worsened into severe anxiety and agoraphobia. She spent most of her teen years locked in the attic her grandparents had provided, recieving home schooling from her grandmother. They worried about her future, and were astounded when one day she firmly announced that she wanted to be a fashion designer. Although they had their doubts, it was the first time she had shown interest in anything constructive, and they supported her as well as they could. She began taking classes online, and remade her attic into a small fashion house.

Although it was impossible for her to get a job or grow her brand with her condition, she worked happily in obscurity for years, until rumor reached the world of the Kindred of not only her skill, but ability to keep a secret. Mari took her under her wing, and began to introduce her to people. After a few months, she was convinced to move to New York, where she might be able to get people to come to her, as opposed to her leaving the house. With a large amount of sedatives and a bit of enchanting, she got on a plane and made it to her new apartment without having a breakdown. She is in contact with her grandparents everyday, but is doing her best to make a life for herself.

Henrietta 'Henry' Wright


Age: 38

Hair color: Blonde

Eye color: Olive

Merits: Phobia (Heights), Short Fuse

Background:Henry is androgynous, has a wiry physique maintained through physical labor, and looks rather young for someone in their late thirties apart from the crows feet and bags under their eyes.

Henry is genderfluid (pronouns any or varies based on presentation) and left the Seattle area many years ago after a tragedy struck their partner; at the time she was missing and assumed dead after a rock climbing accident. At first both Henry and Kei were hopeful that she would show up. But anxiety filled days turned into depressing months. None of the searches had found her along her projected path of travel. The emergency GPS beacon she had taken with her was nowhere to be found. Its record completely gone shortly after she left the ranger station.

The trauma of her death lead them to develop a fear of heights. The whole ordeal sapped away the energy they had been putting into politics at the local level and things similarly fell apart in their personal life.

Henry tried to make things work without Ellienne (who the kindred world knows as Zurine), but their relationship with the remaining part of their triad crumbled from the grief both of them carried. They agreed to separate, with Kei moving back to Japan to be with his family once his college course was completed. Henry decided to move to New York about seven years ago and call in a favor with their aging uncle to help run his car repair business.

They now live in Manhattan and work as a mechanic, completely unaware that they live among a world of supernatural creatures, but that may soon change.

Scarlet Kozlov

Age: 21

Hair color: Black(dyed)

Eye color: Green

Background: Scarlet is a first generation immigrant and Brooklyn native. Her family moved from East Europe before she was born on a work visa, and naturalized eventually with her birth. She grew up in a lower middle class neighborhood with parents who did their best to keep her on the straight and narrow with strict discipline and religion, but it was almost impossible to dampen her vivacious spirit. Much to their dismay, she found all sorts of less than traditional friends, and less than traditional hobbies. By the time she was in high school, they simply couldn't see eye to eye on anything. She suffered through Catholic school, graduated with honors, that was the last order she ever took from them. Ironically, she still lived at home, went to school in New York, and has pitched, if loving battles almost weekly with parents who love her dearly but don't understand her at all. She got a full ride scholarship to Columbia for a math/physics double major, and still found a way to have fun despite a hectic schedule. While she makes it all look easy with her personality, she has worked extremely hard to get where she is, she just would never admit it out loud. A good listener and overly-enthusiastic about whatever her friends like, she still maintains an objective view of things that makes it a bit difficult to get to know the real her. Because of this, she has few close friends, but many acquaintances, something that secretly worries her. She is always busy, but ask her to fit something into her schedule, and she will find a way. Her carefree attitude makes her late for nearly everything, and she has absolutely no sense of direction, which means meetings with her can go disastrously wrong. She dreams of getting a PhD, but isn't sure what she really wants to do with her life. Up until now, she has just done what inspired her most, and had it work out for her.

Silje Lund

Age: 23

Apparent Age: 23

Hair color: Black hair

Eye color: brown eyes

Background: Over the recent century, it's not uncommon for families to seek out their relatives hailing from the ancestors that left Europe to the New World in the olden days.

Silje grew up on stories from her parents about her great-great-great-grandaunt and uncle leaving for New York to seek fortune, and their stories fostered a great thirst for travel and excitement within the young girl. Programs such as 'Tore På Sporet', all about tracking and reconnecting relatives lost to time, and only spurred those aspirations on, invoking new dreams of becoming a journalist.

Back in present-day New York, Silje was now working as an investigative journalist for the same TV show she had enjoyed so much in her youth. Having lost some of her innocence and idealism while working in the harsh and deceitful media business, she still held her dreams and high; not losing her sunny disposition or journalistic integrity. Every day she could feel herself getting closer and closer to finding answers to what happened to her grand uncle and haunt and that excitement spurred her on every day.

The trail seemed to have never left New York, and she prepared herself for an indefinite stay.

Zannalbane Corporation

Alastair Zannalbane


Allegiance: The Zannalbane Corporation

Age: 54

Apparent Age: 54

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Red

Merits: Secret Stash (5), Entrepreneur, Computer Aptitude

Flaws: Vengeful, Enemy (4 [Split among various enemies; primarily competition])

Road: Humanity

Background: A brilliant mind and ruthless businessman, Alistair was as much a part of the Zannalbane Corporation's success as his wife Diana. In interviews he's admitted to being the one to name their two children; the eldest a son called Michael and the second a daughter named Jacquelyn. Alastair believed in raising his children to be well rounded and excellent in all they do, teaching them in academia, law, politics, finance, technology, and computers. He also demanded athletic prowess from his progeny, something to which Michael allegedly took with a passion.

Diana Zannalbane

Created with GIMP

Allegiance: The Zannalbane Corporation

Age: 48

Apparent Age: 42

Hair color: Red

Eye color: Brown

Merits: Secret Stash (5), Introspection, Entrepreneur

Flaws: Vengeful, Enemy (4 [Split among various enemies; primarily competition])

Road: Humanity

Background: Matriarch of the Zannalbane family and CEO of their company, Diana pioneered her corporation into one of the largest businesses on the planet. With ties to everything, from tech to hedge funds, she commands a portfolio of vast and diverse assets. It was her who, according to interviews with the family, made the decision to send their only daughter to an undisclosed Ivy League College while keeping her son, Zachariah, in New York to learn how to run the company directly in preparation for succeeding her and her husband as the leader of the Zannalbane Corporation. Unbeknownst to her, she's made many profitable deals with the Ventrue of the city; most organized on Valeria's orders.

Michael Zannalbane


Allegiance: The Zannalbane Corporation

Age: 26

Apparent Age: 26

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Brown

Merits: Introspection, Entrepreneur, Computer Aptitude, Dynamic Personality

Flaws: Enemy (4 [Split among various enemies; primarily bitter athletic rivals and competition])

Road: Humanity

Background: The eldest of the Zannalbane family, and heir to the corporation. After spending a brief period in the hospital shortly before his sister was shipped off to college, he's now returned and reports himself to be better than ever. Beloved by many due to his charisma and wit, his forays into many fields such as competitive sports, acting, modelling, and of course his business ventures have all earned him a reputation as the man who truly has it all.

independent.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/12 14:58 by zeezee