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The Sabbat are less a sect than a religion and philosophy. Although they have conflict with the others, it is more often territorial disputes than idealogical. They act more like a priesthood, trying to convert others to their path, and have seen success in bringing others onto the path of Caine. They strongly believe in breaking the blood bonds of the elders to stop Gehenna, and offer the vaulderie to any who wish to join them. They believe in the superiority of Canites over Kine as predators, and that one's personal power proves one's worth. They support the Masquerade, and believe that by working with the other sects, all vampires can achieve their rightful place as rulers. The more highly ranked are religious leaders, but the lower ranks are often a bit wilder and more violent, as they have just recieved their first taste of freedom, and without understanding the finer tenets of their sect, focus on their predatory natures. Nevertheless, all sect members are technically representatives of the religion.

Archbishop: Isabella Correa


Clan/Bloodline: Lasombra

Gen: 8th

Allegience: Sabbat

Age: 425

Apparent Age: 26

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Brown

Merits: Coldly Logical,

Flaws: Grip of the Damned, Eerie Presence

Background: In Life: Born into the rule of Philip III of Spain, and a slowly declining country, Isabella was the daughter of a wealthy merchant, and she was exceptional from childhood. In a time when women were relegated to domestic work, she excelled in areas both political and academic above and beyond her brothers. Although her father was concerned, her mother encouraged her, and by the time she was old enough to consider marriage, she had already decided to join a convent and become a writer. Not a beautiful face by traditional standards, she was witty and well versed in a variety of topics that made her enthralling to men and women alike. It was when she negotiated with a group of city officials to secure the land for her convent, however, that she caught the eye of the Lasombra. Still largely male-dominated, they began to play a game with her from beyond the shadows, testing her, and watching her reactions. Just as she had done in the mortal realm, she exceeded expectations, and when the time came, when they revealed themselves to her, she didn't flinch, just smiled and asked what took them so long. In Death: Isabella took naturally to the Sabbat. It was only logical that a predator was separate from its prey, and in many ways above it. To deny one's nature was to deny one's gifts, and she had never been demure. She played the games of the Lasombra well, and treated them as such. No one could ever find a weakness with which to hold her. Eventually, however, this game became reality, and there was nothing left of the real passions she held. She had turned her mind towards playing the game, not towards any purpose in winning. It corrupted her, until she began only to take joy in the bargains and trades that gave her control over others. She still wrote, but if she has written anything truly person, ti is well hidden.

She moved to America because to play with only the Lasombra was to only play one type of game. She was curious about the new world, and what surprises might wait for her there. She was one of the first Sabbat to establish themselves in the city, and even with as few people as she had to work with, has done well to establish their presence, and move her people further from humanity, and closer to their progenitor, Caine.

Bishop: John Wells


Sire: Isabella Correa

Clan/Bloodline: Lasombra

Gen: 10th

Allegiance: Sabbat

Age: 142

Apparent Age: 33

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Brown

Merits: True Faith

Flaws: Soft Hearted, Prey Exclusion, Beacon of the Unholy

Road: Caine

Background: His Life: John Wells was never a man to attract attention. Coming from a relatively successful family–his father was a lawyer–he was a scholar from his youth, and found himself most often turning inwards, to books and philosophy for company. Though he had little interest in competition, or even success, a natural inclination to study and a simple desire to not be dismissed meant he studied harder, and knew more, than anyone his age. Had he been more out-going, he would have been a success in any field, but rather than follow in his father's footsteps, he chose the priesthood. He had grown into an intelligent, graceful man, with little interest in worldly afairs, and was content to devote himself to the study of the Bible and perform his duties.

Everything changed for him when he witnessed a murder in the alley beside his church one night as he was cleaning up. He had seen violence before, but never something like the inhuman shadows that embraced the poor woman before she could even let out a scream. In the first courageous action he had ever taken, he rushed from the church and drew his cross, thrusting it at the demon as it fed from the helpless, still body. The demon laughed. It left the body still bleeding on the ground and approached the trembling priest, who in that moment realized the impotence of his faith, that he had hidden behind the cross as a comfort to himself, not for others. To his surprise, the demon woman did not kill him. They spent that night talking. Then the next. They played chess together, discussed philosophy, and she revealed the true faith to him: The Heresy of Caine. It was a secret that none others knew, a secret that was all his own. He rejoiced and begged to join her, and in return, she baptised him in blood.

His Unlife: John became a firebrand for the religion, and a prosletizer for the Sabbat. No longer content to study by himself, he went out amongst the people, and opened their eyes to the truth of Caine, and their salvation in stopping Gehena. He worked side by side with his Sire, not to destroy the other sects, but to lift them up, and save them. He became a passionate speaker, but has always been a careful listener, never judging, and never angry. He gave the Camarilla freedom, and the free Sabbat guidance. He always has time to listen to the problems and concerns of the faithful, but has little patience for the deceptive elders, or the greedy Neonates. In his private life, he is still a quiet academic who keeps others at arms length, but in public, he is the faithful right-hand to his Sire, and one of the leaders of the church of Caine.

Bishop: The Gentleman


Character Name: The Gentleman

Sire: Unknown (Aurelis)

Clan/Bloodline: Lasombra

Gen: 8th

Allegiance: Sabbat

Age: 246

Apparent Age: 30

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Brown

Merits: True Faith, Instrument of God, Long Term Planning

Flaws: Harbinger of the Abyss, Cursed (Technology malfunctions in his presence)

Road: Righteous Path of Night

Background: Recently arrived in the city as a new assisting Bishop, the Gentleman is both devoutly religious, and incredibly powerful. He's wasted little time getting to work, using his charm to offer deals to the Giovanni, Camarilla, and even Anarchs for information on new arrivals within the city, especially those from the West. Very few know anything about him; but two kindred in particular recognise his face immediately. The Reaper, who seems to have a complex relationship with the Gentleman, and Mari, who saw him crumple to ash as she lost everything.

Pack Unaffiliated

Charlotte Goodwin


Clan/Bloodline: Nosferatu

Gen: 15th

Allegience: Sabbat

Age: 31

Apparent Age: 31

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Brown

Merits: Concentration, Sanctity, True Love

Flaws: Phobia, Tic/Twitch, Thin Blood

Background: Charlotte had always lead a safe, comfortable life. She grew up in upstate New York, in a relatively quiet town, where crime didn't exist, and neighborhoods had bake sales and fundraisers, and everyone went to church on Sundays. She was sheltered from much of the violence and poverty in the rest of society, and even when she grew into adulthood, it remained only on the perifery of her consciousness. In a well-adjusted, happy family, however, she stood out as a stranger. Her personality had always been brittle, overly delicate. She was diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder from a young age, and though her family did their best to manage it, she struggled in many ways to participate in normal childhood activities. She grew up knowing her limitations, and never cared to test them. As long as she was safe, she could be happy. It didn't stop her from going to a small, local college for her degree, nor from marrying a man she met there. Little by little, she carved out a normal life for herself. Everyone held their breathe when she moved out to Statten Island for her husband's job, but with great care from the both of them, she settled into her new routine well, and was again content where she lived. Children were an entirely new adventure. She had two a year apart, and the stress put her into therapy, but with the support of her whole family, she found a rountine she could thrive in. Her eldest had just turned 6, and she was looking forward to watching him grow up when her world was shattered. There was no reason for the Sabbat attack. She hadn't been out at night, she hadn't spoken to any strangers. It was nothing more than a cruel joke to turn her, and an even crueler twist of fate to do so as a shovelhead. A young, bitter Nosferatu had snuck into her house while her family was asleep and abducted her. He left no trace of her behind, and let her watch her sleeping children as she died. Just like the others of her pack, she had to dig her way out of her own grave. Unlike the others, the fear that striped her humanity never left her. While they all lost their lives, she lost all stability and joy. It wasn't her will to survive that saved her, but sheer terror. She is almost uncontrollable within the pack, and frequently comes to blows with the leader, Patrick. She has ties to the Nosferatu underground, and while they have tried to help her, few of them understand the depths of her insanity. Her only solace is in Will Ward, a quiet Nosferatu who keeps an orderly lifestyle. She hasn't found her place with the Sabbat or the Nosferatu.

Jeffery Corbell


Clan/Bloodline: Malkavian Antitribu

Gen: 13th

Allegience: Sabbat

Age: 25

Apparent Age: 25

Hair color: Blond

Eye color: Blue

Merits: Computer Aptitude

Flaws: Smell of the Grave, Tic/Twitch, Disfigured, Nightmares, Victim of the Masquerade

Background: A young man just out of midwest, Jeffery Corbell had been a big fish in a small pond, who looked like he may become a big fish in a big pond. He had lived up to his promise as an academic, and expanded his world with a clear life plan and ambitions that would not exceed his long grasp.

He had just begun his post graduate studies in chemistry at New York University when he was assaulted. He had always been outgoing, and had handled the transition to a new college and a new city well. He had always been intelligent enough to manage both studies and a social life without sacrificing either, and was mature enough to know when enough was enough. Unfortunately, those instincts were the same that led him to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. With a test the next day, he was walking his new girlfriend, Sadie Rees, home from a club. They had left early, and were enjoying the end of the night together when tragedy struck. There was no rhyme or reason to the embrace, and none that they could understand for the attack. With out a work, they had both been bludgeoned over then head and stuffed into the trunk of a car for a long ride back to Stattte Island. In the tradition of the Sabbat, they were read their last rites and then buried alive along with ten other men and women just as terrified and bewildered as they.

The terror of the act stripped away his sanity, but the blood he had been fed just before did even worse. Delusions and hallucinations terrorized a man who, until that night, had hardly known even a day of depression. He survived, but that was not to be the end of his struggles. He hardly heard the nonsensical ravings of the group that had sired him about Caine and their new religion. He mostly just did what he was told, and tried to survive for another day. His dreams collapsed, his pack has become his reality, and he clings to that as his only source of stability, regardless of what terrors they may commit. Though he still retains his intellect, it rarely shows itself, as the pack leader terrifies him, and he cannot rationalize the nightly violence they commit.



Sire: Jebediah

Clan/Bloodline: Caitiff

Gen: 8th

Allegiance: Sabbat

Age: 64

Apparent Age: 22

Hair color: Silver

Eye color: Red

Merits: Thousand Meter Killer, Acute Sense (Sight), Catlike Balance, Berserker, Concentration, Eidetic Memory, Language (ASL, Russian), Indelible 2, Time Sense

Flaws: Mute, Slow Healing

Road: Path of Death and the Soul (Sabbat Path of Bones variant, mechanically identical)

Background: Embraced by a toreador during the cold war with the intent of being used by the Camarilla to eliminate rogue kindred and defectors, she was quickly abandoned when her sire realised she was Caitiff. She ended up finding her way to the Sabbat, who saw potential in her and took her in. Swearing vengeance on the Camarilla for what they did to her, she began work as a ruthless assassin. Her skills rival those even of the Banu Haqim, and her impressive career in the Black Hand has earned her respect among the Sword.

Patrick Whittaker


Clan/Bloodline: Tzimisce

Gen: 14th

Allegience: Sabbat

Age: 28

Apparent Age: 27

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Brown

Merits: Natural Leader, Bruiser

Flaws: Short Fuse, Thirst for Innocence, Weak-willed

Background: Born in Camden New Jersey to a mother who didn't want him, and a father who didn't know he existed, Patrick was one of five children, all raised by their eldest sister. When she moved out, the family fell apart, and he was left to raise himself on TV and microwave meals. While he wasn't a bad child, he had little support, and little motivation. By the time he was in high school, he was hardly attending, and when he did, it was mostly to deal drugs.

Life had been going nowhere fast for him. At 27 years old, with no education, no career, and no dreams to speak of, he had been on a downhill slide since high school. He spent the money from his job at a gas station on drugs, rent, and nights out at the local dive bar with the few people he could call friends. He had few relationships, and even fewer people who cared about him. He wasn't surprised when he found himself bleeding out in the alley behind his favorite bar, and realized he didn't particularly care. He was embraced by a young, poorly taught Tzimisce who thought he was doing Caine's work, transforming a mortal just to see the terror and pain of transformation.

Although it did not transform him into a different person, the change gave Patrick a taste of power and control for the first time in his life. He took to it naturally, and perhaps most surprisingly, accepted their philosophy easily. He was never going to rise out of the lower ranks, but was given a small taste as he was made leader of his pack. He is a cruel, violent man, but takes his responsibilities seriously, and firmly believes he needs to push his pack-mates into what his deluded mind believes will be greatness.



Sire: Aurelis

Clan/Bloodline: Lasombra

Gen: 10th

Allegiance: Sabbat

Age: 118

Apparent Age: 24

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Black

Merits: Catlike Balance, Controllable Night Sight, Berserker, Sturdy, Eyes of the Abyss

Flaws: Beacon of the Unholy, Impatient, Can't Cross Running Water, Harbinger of the Abyss

Road: Path of Power and the Inner Voice

Background: A fanatical assassin for the Sabbat, very little is known about the Reaper. They claim to be responsible for the deaths and disappearances of many influential Camarilla over the years, but none have ever been able to confirm or disprove these claims. In either case, their custom made scythe is a fearsome sight to behold, and they're renowned for their exceptional combat prowess and control of Obtenebration.

Sadie Rees


Clan/Bloodline: Brujah

Gen: 13th

Allegience: Sabbat

Age: 23

Apparent Age: 23

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Green

Merits: Code of Honor

Flaws: Prey Exclusion, Uppity

Background: Growing up on the beaches of Florida, Sadie didn't fit in since birth. Her family was wealthy, beautiful, and terribly conservative, while she seemed to bear the world on her shoulders. She couldn't stand how shallow everyone around her was, and spent four miserable years in high school attached to her phone and sketchbook, wishing she was somewhere else. She picked a college in New York and never looked back. For a Shovelhead, Sadie managed to fit her clan type well. While she had been sucessful in school and as an artist, it was always in spite of her rebelious spirit, not because of it. Ostensibly a design major, she had spent more time on grafitti and projects about social consciousness than she did corporate branding and logos. Her family never quite knew what to make of her, and generally let her be, but their apathy, and the apathy of general society only spurred her into more provocative displays. By the time she had graduated, it was clear that she was going to have find her own way. In her last year, she began to date Jeffery Corbell, a graduate student at her school who she found, if not inspiring, at least pliable enough to accept her point of view. On the way home from a club one night, she had Jeffery were assulted, thrown into a trunk, and taken to Statten Island where they both underwent an embrace by burial. While he received Malkavian blood, she became Brujah, and handled the conversion far better. She further dealt with the pack politics well, and while she had little interest in Cainite religion, she took well to the freedom they provided. While she isn't sure what direction to take her creative drive, her new-found power has convinced her of her superiority over those she had opposed previously, and gave her the drive to use it against them.

Scarlet Rose


Sire: Katherine

Clan/Bloodline: Toreador Antitribu

Gen: 9th

Allegiance: Sabbat

Age: 36

Apparent Age: 20

Hair color: Pink

Eye color: Red

Merits: Enchanting Voice, Blush of Life, Master of the Masquerade, Drug Resistance, Addictive Blood, Indelible, Eat Food

Flaws: Addiction (Sex), Thirst For Innocence, Beacon of the Unholy

Road: Path of Cathari

Background: An insatiable spy and seductress, Scarlet blends effortlessly into any surroundings or company. An actress and double agent, Scarlet can often be found flitting among the Camarilla courts of clan Toreador, seducing many Camarilla vampires to their deaths, or to a new cause…

Player Characters

Orson Smythe


Sire: Magus Adrionus

Clan/Bloodline: Tremere Antitribu

Gen: 10th

Allegiance: Sabbat

Age: 178

Apparent Age: 39

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Blue

Merits: Psychic Leech, Unmarked Antitribu, Clear-Sighted, Incantation (For Luck), Scholar of Others (Mages), Grand Library (Occult, Psychology)

Flaws: Lame, Permanent Third Eye, Weak Aura, Special Responsibility

Road/Path: Path of the Scorched Heart

Tenets: Deny emotion, Control the beast, Be truthful, Seek the truth, Observe before acting

Background: Orson was a writer and scholar in Victorian England, whose notes on the nature of the mind drew the attention of the Order of Hermes. Though he was not Awakened, he worked with them at times on their projects in the sphere and learnt a little sorcery from them. This arrangement came to an abrupt and brutal end, however, during a short lived joint operation between the Order and a group of Tremere Antitribu, working to disrupt House Tremere. Wounded in the attack, he was given the Embrace. He remained with the Sabbat when the two groups parted ways, taking great interest in their lore and history moreso than their day to day operations. A few decades into his unlife, his right leg was maimed as a punishment by a Tzimisce Archbishop for lack of commitment during battle, and he was soon relegated to a support role. He has taken to the position well over the following century or so, however, and now serves the Sabbat as a lorekeeper, scholar and occultist with a focus on maintaining the mental health of its members, directing them to appropriate Paths and teachers, and representing the Sword of Caine in its less violent endeavours including recruitment.

sabbat.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/09 10:22 by nybn