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SoHo is a neighborhood in Lower Manhattan. The name “SoHo” derives from the area being “South of Houston Street”.

Designer boutiques, fancy chain stores and high-end art galleries, like the Leslie-Lohman Museum of Art that houses works about and by LGBTQ artists and themes, make trendy SoHo a top shopping destination, especially for out-of-towners. Known for its elegant cast-iron-facades and cobblestone streets, the neighborhood is also an atmospheric backdrop for fashionable crowds clustering at high-end restaurants and nightlife hot spots. During the day, street vendors sell everything from jewelry to original artwork.

For those who have knowledge of history and occult lore, it was once home to a bookstore run by a cult of Lilins. The bookstore and the cult is seemingly no more, wiped off the face of New York before the current Prince of the Camarilla ascended to power.

Some claim it was a ritual gone too far and they all perished; others caution that an overly ambitious student killed her teachers and all their disciples in her quest to find Lilith's knowledge; yet another group claims the Sabbat destroyed them. The stories are as varied as those told every night by kindred and ghoul alike searching for deeper truths in a web of fact and fiction.

For those still involved in the occult scene, there are soft whispers that Lilith's cult remains. Somewhere within New York if not SoHo itself.

soho.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/15 08:17 by nybn