Basement Club

A large, upscale dance club made from a renovated glass factory, most of the club is a series of underground rooms connected by dark, labyrinth halls. Only the most unique, stylish, and outrageous are allowed entry, but the crowd is a mix of sub-cultures all thrown together to dance and enjoy the night. This and the dark ambience lead to strange pairings, and surprise dealings between people from all walks of life. Drugs and alcohol flow freely for those who know who to look for. There are several regulars who seem to be there every night, and a good number of partiers who visit often and make the culture of the club what it is. The majority of people, however, will never know the real goings on, blinded by the atmosphere.

This is a Giovanni run club that welcomes all vampires from all sects. Any undead are admitted immediately to the club, regardless of who they are or how they dress. The lighting and labyrinth have been purposefully constructed to allow easy hunting. There are strict rules, however: no fighting, no powers, and no breaching the Masquerade. Anyone caught doing these will be taught a painfully instructive lesson in respect.

It is run by Lydia Milliner