====== Anarchs ====== The Anarchs rule Brooklyn in two large groups, the Free State, and the Bayridge Gang. ===== Free State ===== The Free State is most similar to the LA Free State, with a collection of gangs working for their own interests that have an agreement for a truce when faced with outside interference. They are at once the most idealistic and violent of all the sects. What they lack in organization and subtlety, they make up for in sheer ferocity. The 'baron' is Samuel Forrester, but he has repeatedly rejected any title or power. He is a soldier first, and at the front of any attempt to invade Brooklyn. This is also the location of Better Days, the welcome and support center for all Anarchs new to the city. ==== Baron: Samuel Forrester(Leo Fortin) ==== {{samuelforrester.jpeg?200}} **Clan/Bloodline:** Ventrue Antritribu **Gen:** 8th **Allegiance:** Anarch **Age:** 284 **Apparent Age:** 21 **Hair color:** Blond **Eye color:** Blue **Merits:** Code of Honor, Natural Linguist, Calm Heart **Flaws:** Smell of the Grave, Disfigured, Open Wound, Enemy **Road:** Path of Honorable Accord **Background:** Born into the aristocracy in France under Louis XV, Leo was a soft spoken man who took nobelisse oblige seriously, and his responsibility to king and country as his life's work. A true patriot, he believed that the monarchy truly had the best interests of its people at heart, and joined the military as soon as he was of age in order to support it. Although he was well-educated, well-bred, and quickly placed in a position of authority, he was a man of few words, and a poor leader. His popularity with the rank-and-file further earn him the enmity of his peers, and though he was well liked, he was often forgotten by those under his command. This came to a head at the Battle of Rossbach, the first in which he lead troops. In the disaster of a battle, he was felled by the enemy, and though he was not dead, he was forgotten, and unable to call for help, left behind by his defeated men and officers who didn't care to search for him. He had been watched, however, during his short career, and when night fell, a strange group of anachronistic knights came and asked if he would like to join them rather than die. He, believing they were some kind of avenging angel, accepted. His Unlife: Leo was everything one might wish for in a soldier. He was strong, smart, and carried out his orders faithfully. Suddenly the youngest and lowest ranked, he thrived as a Ventrue. His squad was dedicated to preserving France against the inroads of elder Camarilla, and he happily assured the safety of his beloved nation. This lifestyle, however, kept him in isolation from his people, and the French Revolution came as a horrific shock. He was forced to reconsider all he held dear, and this put him at odds with his Sire and the others in his squad. He began to bridle against the blood bond, and loving respect turned to humiliation and hatred. His belief in the monarchy, and authority was shattered. He became obsessed with French anarchist philosophy, but it took another several decades for him to make his escape. In a moment of sheer will, he staked his Sire, and fled from his brothers to America. Leo changed his name to Samuel, and wandered the country just trying to survive another day out of the reach of those who sought revenge on him. For the first time he was seeing the world up close, and it overjoyed him. He fell in with the Brujah, and though they would shout over him, they respected his strength and conviction. He was there for the creation of the LA Free State, and Jeremy MacNeil opened his eyes to the possibilities of Kindred society. With his coterie of Brujah, he set his sights on New York. A change came over him, and suddenly people began to listen to him. He drew crowds, and motivated people. While there were other factions in the Anarch movement, Leo(now Samuel) was the mediator that brought them together. He was also a force intimidating enough to give elders pause, and the Barons fear in taking advantage of the Anarch philosophy. Just like MacNeil, Samuel refused to become a Baron, but considers himself the defender of Anarchs who live outside of the Baronies aren't aligned with anyone. The confusion of vampires used to being led created mroe violence in those areas as conflicting gangs sprung up, but he is a firm believr in individual anarchism, and only tries to suggest the best path for them all as a people. ==== Brighter Days ==== === Co-Owner of Brighter Days: Mark Harris === {{markharris.jpg?200}} **Clan/Bloodline:** Gangrel **Gen:** 12th **Allegience:** Anarch **Age:** 80 **Apparent Age:** 42 **Hair color:** Brown **Eye color:** Blue **Merits:** Code of Honor, Language, Natural Leader, Friend of the Underground **Flaws:** Clan Emnity, Prey Exclusion **Background**: Mark Harris led a charmed life. Success in business led to success in life, and not content to keep his happiness to himself, he began to give back to the less fortunate. Together with his wife, Elizabeth, he funded charities and research projects around the city. It was only the disappearance of his wife that could throw his life into chaos. She told him she wanted a divorce, and to never look for her again. He knew her better than that. What he discovered was a dark world, hidden from mortal eyes. He learned that she had been transformed into an undead creature, and was being controlled by an ancient evil. He was warned that he had no chance to free her, and there was no way to even get revenge. Ancient evils, however, often underestimated the power of modern thinking. It took him three years to create a plan and build contacts. In the end, a Gangrel so impressed with his desire for freedom, offered to not only help, but embrace him so that he could be forever with his wife. As a mortal, Mark murdered the old Ventrue Primogen, and freed his wife from her blood bond. After some time coming to a new understanding of the world around them, they began to help the Anarchs, disgusted with the attitude of the Camarilla. Together, they opened Better Days, the welcome and care center for Kindred new to the city, as well as for at risk mortal families. They are highly respected within the Anarch community, and though they themselves do not have much martial power, the combined forces of most Anarch gangs would crush anyone who tried to do them harm. === Co-Owner of Brighter Days: Elizabeth Harris === {{elizabethharris.jpg?200}} **Clan/Bloodline:** Ventrue **Gen:** 10th **Allegience:** Anarch **Age:** 76 **Apparent Age:** 38 **Hair color:** Blonde **Eye color:** Green **Merits:** Natural Leader, Enchanting Voice, Blush of Health **Flaws:** Enemy, Phobia, Vengeful, Natural Linguist **Background:** Wife to Mark Harris, Elizabeth was only ostensibly a housewife. In between raising their son, she earned a PhD in anthropology, lead a research team, and organized many of the charities the couple supported. Though she was not particularly a hippie, she rode the wave of feminism of the era to make a name for herself while also building a family. She was happy, and her relationship was one of mutual respect. That was why it came as such a shock to be embraced, to be made into an emotional slave to a man who wanted little more from her than to use her to control more power in the city. As disgusted as she was, she had no choice. As much as she despised him, she obeyed and broke off her marriage in order to serve him. Three years of servitude left her bitter and cynical towards the Kindred, and the breaking of her bond by Mark was one of the happiest moments of her life. Unlike him, however, she never truly got her revenge, and has been left with a deep anger and mistrust of elders. Perhaps because of that anger, she was the driving force behind Better Days. Though her husband focuses more on helping new Kindred get situated within the city, she works to help those with addictions, problems, and blood bonds. It is sometimes a dark business, but she firmly believes she is making the city a better place. === Assistant at Brighter Days: Shiho Takahashi === {{shihotakahashi.jpg?200}} **Clan/Bloodline:** Nosferatu **Gen:** 13th **Allegience:** Anarch **Age:** 20 **Apparent Age:** 18 **Hair color:** Black **Eye color:** Brown **Merits:** Eidetic Memory, Computer Aptitude, Concentration, Protege **Flaws:** Shy, Lord of the Flies, Soft-hearted, Glowing eyes **Background**: A young exchange student from Japan, Shiho was only supposed to be in the US for a year, and was miserable the entire time. What had seemed like a fun experience had turned into constant stress as she was unable to keep up with the classwork, and her language skills made it difficult to keep friends. She turned to the internet to keep from becoming too lonely, and made a friend there who lived close by. What she didn't know was that her 'friend' was a severely misogynistic Nosferatu with emotional issues. The moment he found out where she lived, he hunted her down and embraced her as a Cleopatra, and was on his way to dragging her into the seweres to show her her new life when Elizabeth Harris found her. Shiho's Sire was promptly ashed, and she was adopted by the Harris family. The adjustment has been difficult for her, but the Harris family has given her something to look forward to, and live for. She has to work behind the scenes, but the people at Better Days adore her, and she's gained confidence in herself. She runs much of the logistics for the group, and has recieved a better education through her two adoptive Sire's than she ever would have through college. ==== The Owls(gang) ==== === Gang Member: Amelia === {{amelia.png?200}} **Sire:** Unknown **Clan/Bloodline:** Old Clan Tzimisce **Gen:** 9th **Allegiance:** Anarch Free States, Lucia, Jackie **Age:** 25 **Apparent Age:** 21 **Hair color:** Green and Brown **Eye color:** Yellow **Merits:** Indelible, Eidetic Memory, Iron Will, Prized Patch **Flaws:** Glowing Eyes, Rat in a Cage, Member of the Pack (Owls), Sire's Resentment **Road:** Humanity **Background**: A young punk woman who broke free of her sire to join the Free States, everyone who's met Amelia knows to keep on her good side, or bring a fire extinguisher. With a knack for Koldunism despite her having struck out from her sire, she's not afraid of a fight, and has certainly never backed down from one. Lucia's girlfriend and an old friend and contact of Jackie, she's well connected in the State. === Gang Member: Lucia === {{lucia.png?200}} **Sire:** Nathan Reed **Clan/Bloodline:** Caitiff **Gen:** 12th **Allegiance:** Anarch Free States, Amelia, Jackie **Age:** 25 **Apparent Age:** 23 **Hair color:** Brown **Eye color:** Brown **Merits:** Prized Patch, Bruiser, Daredevil, Catlike Balance, Blush of Health **Flaws:** Impatient, Clan Curse (Gangrel), Prey Exclusion (Children), Short Fuse, Unlucky (1) **Road:** Humanity **Background**: A shit talking, hard hitting, bat wielding young woman, her and Jackie got along like a house on fire from the moment they met. The two maintain a friendly rivalry, one which Amelia often rolls her eyes at (despite how entertaining she finds it). She's earned a reputation of her own among the Anarchs of Brooklyn, and very few gangs cross the combined might of her and Amalia, even those with the numbers to do so. === Gang Member: Gabriel Zeek === {{gabriel.jpg?200}} **Sire:** Alexandra Phelps **Clan/Bloodline:** Brujah **Gen:** 10th **Allegiance:** Anarch Free States, Jackie **Age:** 84 **Apparent Age:** 32 **Hair color:** Black **Eye color:** Brown **Merits:** Enchanting Voice, Prized Patch **Flaws:** Enemy 3 (Scattered across various rivals, both kine and kindred), Recruitment Target, Rival Sires, Dark Secret **Road:** Humanity **Background**: An influential figure in both the kine and kindred worlds, Gabriel runs both an anarch gang, and a massive record label. Using his significant wealth and influence to try and make changes for the better within politics of the living and the dead, Gabriel is beloved by some, and hated by many. Luckily, he can count on the support of Jackie, the Owls, and the Free State when things get real rough, and in turn they can always come to him. ==== Gang Unaffiliated ==== === Daniel === **Clan/Bloodline:** Brujah **Gen:** 14 **Allegiance:** Anarchs **Age:** 32 **Apparent Age:** 22 **Hair color:** Brown **Eye color:** Blue **Merits:** Mentor **Flaws:** Fourteenth Generation Background: Daniel took a shotgun to the chest in an attempt to help out his gang, and lost all their territory for his trouble. He was part of Jade's crew, and still follows her, even though they no longer have any standing in the Free State. Daniel was a lost cause from the beginning. A poor student in a poor family, without the ambition to improve himself or the brains to deceive others. He grew up in upstate New York, and ran away as a teenager to the city where he fell into drugs, prostitution, and begging to get by. He was sired by Jade when he was the unfortunate victim of an errant bullet during a Kindred battle outside a club. He soon discovered that he was no better blessed as a vampire than he had been as a mortal, but became fanatically loyal to Jade, who treats him harshly, but considers him family. He doesn't believe that Jane willingly gave up her territory and blames himself for the entire incident. He is determined to find a way to return it to her or get revenge on Hobs, who he blames for the entire thing. === Erin Mercer === {{erin.jpg?200}} **Clan/Bloodline:** Brujah **Gen:** 13th **Allegiance:** Anarch **Age:** 56 **Apparent Age:** 18 **Hair color:** Brown **Eye color:** Brown **Merits:** Efficient Digestion, Sabbat Survivor, Light Sleeper, Open Road **Flaws:** Twitch, Nightmares, Catspaw, Eerie Presence **Road:** Humanity **Her Life:** A kid from the mid-west with too many dreams and too little money. She grew up on the wrong side of the tracks, literally, as freight trains ran right through the middle of her town, and grew up in a town the 50's forgot when the rest of the country was in rebellion. The eldest sister of four, she resented the responsibility of taking care of her siblings, and feared the random beatings by her father. She didn't know where she wanted to go, but she hated her town, hated her family, and wanted out. She stole her father's paycheck one night and ran away. Life was hardly easier for an underage runaway once the money had run out, but still better than the hell of living at home. She was a natural born punk and street kid, taking whatever job she could to survive. Life on the streets was never safe, however. On their way home from the club, she had her friends were jumped by a gang of Sabbat. In a moment of terror, she and her friends were ruthlessly butchered, and in their dying moments fed a tiny taste of blood, then buried together while the inhuman creatures stood above them, chanting in a language she didn't understand. That night was a blur, but she survived. When she came out of frenzy the only one left alive, having fed on her friends, the Sabbat stuffed her in a trunk for the ride from Chicago to New York. They forgot about her and she frenzied again when the police opened the trunk of the car. **Her Unlife:** Without a Sire, clan, or sect to care for her, Erin had only herself to rely on. She lived like an animal, and was the cause of more than a few Masquerade breeches, but she survived. As she situation stabilized, however, she understood the lesson the Sabbat and tried to teach her, what she had been striving for since she had left home: striving was not enough. She needed a cause. Just as she had found her mortal gang, eventually she ran into Anarchs, a group who lived exactly like she had always dreamed. They were a family without the abuse, who looked out for each other without regard for those who looked down on them. She hardly knew who the Camarilla was before she was rebelling against them. Over time, she met visionaries to the Anarch cause, learned about the Free State in LA, and became a believer. She was not the smartest, nor the strongest, but her passion and will to gain her freedom earned her the respect of those around her. She is in the middle of every conversation, often to the conversation's detriment, and is not the most sympathetic of ears, but backs her gang with a ferocity that often surprises the more refined sects. The Sabbat tortures had left a mark on her, but did not break her fully. === Jessica Cahill=== {{jessicacahill.jpg?200}} **Clan/Bloodline:** Brujah **Gen:** 13th **Allegiance:** Anarch **Age:** 38 **Apparent Age:** 18 **Hair color:** Blonde **Eye color:** Blue **Merits:** Friendly Face, Sacntity, Useful Knowledge **Flaws:** Weak willed, Stereotype, Soft Hearted, Hard of Hearing **Background:** Jessica grew up listening to 90's grunge, and bought into the culture so completely that it would have been impossible to distinguish her from a rebel against mainstream culture, but the truth was that she was just a joiner with a true talent as a chameleon. It had been a long rant she had given at a party that attracted a similarly young Brujah to her. So excited by having met an apparently kindred spirit, she was embraced that night. Only after she had been embraced and been entirely inconsolable by how frightening was her fate, that her Sire realized their mistake. Humiliated, her Sire fled from her, leaving her to work out her own life. Rather than grow stronger, she merely found other Brujah to latch onto, and began to imitate them. Certainly the others knew she was a coward, but she understood and manipulated them into accepting her. She currently lives in Samuel's territory, where she can be protected. Despite her failure as a Brujah, her social acumen has become a valued trait for Anarchs who are often severely lacking in that area. She has become something of a spokeswoman for the younger generation, parroting the vision of the leaders of the Anarchs. === Jade Braun === **Clan/Bloodline:** Brujah **Gen:** 13 **Allegiance:** Anarchs **Age:** 54 **Apparent Age:** 19 **Hair color:** Black **Eye color:** Brown **Merits:** Light Sleeper **Flaws:** Territorial, Enemy **Background:** The ex-leader of an Anarch gang, Jade lived on the border between the Free State and Hobs Territory since Brooklyn gained its independence. She gave up her Domain, and can often be seen hanging around Brighter Days as she tries to decide what to do next with her life. She lacks much formal education, but makes up for it with cunning and stubborness born of a life in conflict. Jade was born and raised in New York, a punk in an era of New Wave and Wall Street. She joined one of the more colorful gangs of the time as a teenager, and grew up fighting for every inch of turf. Once they had taken control from the other local gangs, however, they quickly ran into the organized crime that ruled the area. Jade was fighting Hobs since she was 14, at least indirectly. It was this conflict that ended her life, and ironically, it was one of Hobs' men that embraced her. A revenge embrace not meant to last even the night, Jade was only lucky enough to run into another gang that took her in. In many ways, her life didn't change, just the faces and names of the gangs she fought. At the time, there was no support network for the Anarchs, or even a Free State at all. The gang she joined was a revolving door of Kindred just trying to survive without the permission of the Camarilla or enslavement to the Sabbat. In short enough order, she took control of the gang, and was one of the leaders to fight the Camarilla and claim Brooklyn. She spent the next several decades in constant skirmishes with Hobs' gangs, still losing members, and still taking in those with nowhere else to go. It wore her down until, after a final entanglement with the Bay Ridge gang, she have up her territory. ==== Player Characters ==== === Chloe Chase === {{chloechase1.jpg?200}} {{chloechase2.jpg?200}} {{chloechase3.jpg?200}} **Sire:** Lyla North **Clan/Bloodline:** City Gangrel **Gen:** 11th **Allegiance:** Anarch **Age:** 25 **Apparent Age:** 22 **Hair color:** Black **Eye color:** Violet **Merits:** Inoffensive to Animals, Eidetic Memory, Blush of Health, Enchanting Voice **Flaws:** Lunacy, Prey Exclusion, New Arrival, Tic (Rhythmic Tapping), Deep Sleeper **Road/Path:** Humanity **Background**: Having grown up in the big city New York, Chloe's kid and teenage years were spent rather normally in one of the many middle-class families, going to school, homework, hanging out with friends, chasing after the newest trends to stay hip and cool. During her late teens though she felt herself drawing away from this kinda life, distancing herself more from it and her family, rebellious teenager style. She found herself more and more often in the streets, hanging out with the 'rougher kids', causing ruckus and showing those posers what's up. During these years she picked up a few useful skills and tricks. How to throw a punch and get out of a scuffle, how to avoid one you'd rather not participate in, both skills that came in handy more than once to avoid the local gangs and being rather quick to pick up things, she was soon pretty damn good at knocking out a fucker that tried to get too close to her. It was also then that she discovered her passion for music and guitar playing, often taking to the streets to perform for any that would listen. It did help that her voice and face were nothing to scoff at and she found herself with plenty a gig to get some money in the bank. - Cash that she used amongst other things to get to the Burning Man festival in Nevada in 2017. It was there that she met her future sire, one of the many performers that she followed around for most of the festival. One thing led to another, co-performances and a back-to-back brawl might have been involved, and the city gangrel, as she would later find out, took her on a wild ride that changed Chloe's life. The two travelled for a while together, her sire teaching her the essentials of un-life, but eventually leaving her with her mentors guitar, as a memento and priced possession, to learn and survive on her own. Still travelling for a while, Chloe eventually found a ...temporary... place in Kansas City where she worked for a detective's agency, just doing some legwork, computerwork, shadowing, etc. to help her out money-wise. But eventually she moved on again, not quite feeling that at home there. Arriving in LA she took some time to get used to the new place, but eventually found herself more deeply interwoven in Anarch society, eventually even becoming Reeve/Sheriff. With all the weird and dangerous stuff happening in LA she quickly learned to make friends and even found love. But good things never last and they had to move on to a new place, New York. And though excited about living in a place like this, she already misses the abundant nature she got used to in LA and is a bit unsure of how to continue after certain events. === Daniel === {{daniel.jpg?200}} **Sire:** TBD **Clan/Bloodline:** Assamite Sorcerer **Gen:** 8th **Allegiance:** Anarchs **Age:** 143 **Apparent Age:** 19 **Hair color:** Auburn **Eye color:** Blue **Merits:** Calm Heart, Impressive Restraint, Light Sleeper, Multi-Lingual, Natural Linguist, Sanctity, Additional Discipline (Celerity) **Flaws:** Shy, New Arrival, Phobia (Flying), Permanent Fangs **Road:** Humanity **Tenets:** **Background**: Daniel was born to a Jewish family in Germany only 7 years after his people were given full rights under the law in the country, and he grew up hearing tale upon tale of how his family and others had suffered in the past, of how they were still suffering elsewhere. He faced prejudice often growing up, and by the time he was 10 knew that no matter what the law said, his people could be attacked at any time. He grew up knowing that one day he would have to defend his people. So when the man who had taught him how much his people had suffered offered him the ability to defend them forever, he gladly took it. He hadn’t expected the tools he would be given to be undeath and sorcery. But it mattered little to the young man, neither age nor time could prevent him from defending his people now. He was 19 when he died, and 36 when the largest war ever known to man began. Two world wars later and having fought tooth and nail to defend his people from more threats than he ever imagined they would face in the span of a single lifetime he began to grow weary. He still defended his people, but he began to seek out ways to aid them that leant more toward the constructive, and put aside his blades whenever possible. ==== Me the Malkavian ==== {{me.jpg?200}} **Sire:** No Idea **Clan/Bloodline:** Malkavian **Gen:** 12th **Allegiance:** No One **Age:** close to 50, Embraced something like 25 years ago **Apparent Age:** Early 20's **Hair color:** Red **Eye color:** Right eye green, Left eye blue **Merits:** Acute Senses (Hearing, Sight, Smell), Blush of Health, Catlike Balance, Daredevil, Sturdy, Calm Heart, Without a Trace **Flaws:** Amnesia, Impatient, New Arrival, Cannot Embrace, Prey Exclusion (People who wear velcro shoes) **Road/Path:** Humanity Me has no memories of their life before the Embrace, and their mental state means most of their memories of their unlife are a bit suspect. Me never knew their Sire, and has infact never interacted with another Kindred long enough for their complete lack of knowledge about the Masquerade or Kindred culture to become apparent, it is only through luck and their extreme talent for stealth that they have avoided breaking the Masquerade. Their insanity manifests as the persistent hallucination that the entire world is underwater, Me themself is constantly followed by a school of friendly goldfish. Their current goals are to figure out how to swim, get to the surface of the water, and touch one of the Goldfish Me dwells somewhere in Queens, although they arrive at their haven as a matter of muscle memory rather than truly knowing where it is. Also answers to 'You', 'Darling', 'Freak', and other similar nicknames. ==== Dora ==== {{dora.jpg?200}} **Sire:** Jack (Path of Harmony) **Clan/Bloodline:** Gangrel **Gen:** 13th **Allegiance:** Her Friends **Age:** 39 **Apparent Age:** 24 **Hair Colour:** Black **Eye Colour:** Hazel when not using Protean **Merits:** Sturdy, Huge Size(7 feet tall), Enchanting Voice, Berserker, Iron Will **Flaws:** Permanent Fangs, Rat in a Cage, Prey Exclusion (Men), Vulgar **Road/Path:** Humanity Dorathea was born to a successful businessman in 1982. Freakeshly tall and strong even as a child she was something of a social outcast and was a shame on the family as a result. Despite this Dora had a head for business and a talent for getting her way. Inevitably a Gangrel began to pay attention to Dora due to her size and strength and eventually Embraced her after she left home due to being passed over to inherit her fathers business. Initially Dora did not possess much self control and frenzied often, this resulted in pointed ears, a rough hide on her forearms and fangs that refused to retract, all permanent changes. Despite actually liking her new appearence Dora realised that if this continued she wouldn't be able to exist in society at all without breaking the masquerade, she was already pushing it, and though she enjoyed parts of the typical Gangrel lifestyle, she was not truly suited to it. Dedicating herself to developing an absolute self control, she eventually gained the iron will she desired and re-entered Kine society, opening a successful nightclub called The Beast's Den, themed around allowing ones inner animal to run free for a night. Dora herself is the Beast in question and acts as a living advertisement for her nightclub, her incredible height and 'surgical modifications' used to entice the curious in for a chance at seeing her in the flesh. === Rachel Pierce === {{rachelpierce.jpg?200}} **Sire:** Michael Cawlfield **Clan/Bloodline:** Tremere **Gen:** 8th **Allegiance:** Anarch **Age:** 395 **Apparent Age:** 24 **Hair color:** Blonde **Eye color:** Red though wears Blue Contact Lenses usually **Merits:** Inoffensive to Animals, Eidetic Memory, Blush of Health, Blush of Health, Deceptive Aura, Computer Aptitude, Eat Food, Embraced without the Cup, Occult Library, Grand Library **Flaws:** Prey Exclusion, New Arrival, Arcane Curse, Enemy, Vengeful **Road/Path:** Humanity **Background**: Having grown up in the 1600's as the daughter of a British trading company director, Rachel had a rather comfortable life. Always the curious one, she would occasionally join her father on expeditions across the vast sea to learn of different countries and the trade itself. Though much more fascinated by the strange and new things she saw during those journeys. Always having been one to quickly pick up knowledge of any kind, she immersed herself fully in anything she could study, being especially fascinated with the sciences. A habit she held unto into her adulthood, no matter how unusual for a woman at the time. This did not only cause a multitude of scandals, but also draw the attention of a certain individual of the night. She was quickly inducted into the clan of warlocks under her sire, working as an assistant under him for a long time. Him having been one of the Librarians tasked with the translation and adaptation of foreign magic into the thaumaturgic practices. It was during this time that she got struck with an arcane curse while working with a certain tome. Though the incident only showed her curiosity and interest in the arcane and her sire even more so urged her to explore and nurture her creative side, instead of getting stuck in the blender of discipline and structure that the pyramid could be. Eventually Rachel herself managed to reach the position of librarian as well and was transferred to a chantry in New Orleans to help stock up and organise the library there. After the main bulk of her work was done, Rachel for the first time in a long while started to leave the chantry more regularly again. Quickly finding the night life to be quite enjoyable, she threw herself into it with her whole being. Her passion for technology and innovation flared up drastically during this time as well, and she spent countless hours tinkering on various small projects of hers. This eventually led her to meet Noah, a toreador who shared her passions in more than one way. They spent more and more time together, eventually falling in love with each other. It was truly a wonderful time for her... but a dark shadow was starting to loom over it all. One day Noah didn’t show for a date and instead a message reached her... A Tzimisce, who called himself Traian Varias, contacted her, demanding a number of arcane tomes and thaumaturgical artifacts in exchange for her lover’s life. In her naivety Rachel went to her clan for help, but they wouldn’t give away such valuable resources for a non-tremere. When she proposed going on a rescue mission, instead the regent put her under house arrest... no Librarian was to risk for such a trivial reason. It didn’t take long and Rachel learned of her lovers demise... something inside her just... broke... at that point. Completely disillusioned with the clan that was supposed to protect, help and nurture their members, this was but the last drop in the barrel for her. Throwing herself back into her work as Librarian, she studied as many tomes and texts as she could, soaking up knowledge of ages, before one night... she just left without a trace. - Years later, Rachel had managed to move on, having started to build up something for herself and enjoying life again for what it was. No longer needing to constantly watch over her shoulder and make sure etiquette and traditions were adhered to, she could finally fully immerse herself in her passions. Which lead to eventually heading her own company, as her father would have always wanted, just... in a different trade. ‘Pierce Innovations’ and its multiple branches into different sciences and products serves as a means to feed and finance those passions of hers. The recently opened office and research centre in LA is still standing strong and disconnected from anything supernatural, despite everything that happened there. Moving back to New York where she had once started to build up her company might be a blessing in disguise, but she and her animated companions still need to make sure that the newly created Anarch Tremere Chantry stays safe and prospers. ===== Bayridge Gang ===== ==== Aodh "Hobs" Gawley ==== {{hobs.jpeg?200}} **Sire:** Unknown **Clan/Bloodline:** Ravnos **Gen:** 9th **Allegiance:** Anarch **Age:** 193 **Apparent Age:** 27 **Hair color:** Black **Eye color:** Blue **Merits:** Innoffensive to Animals, Bruiser, Blush of Health, Language, Iron Will **Flaws:** Territorial, Emotional Isolation, Eerie Presence **Road:** Humanity **Background**: His Life: Just a faceless immigrant from Connacht at the beginning of the potato famine, Aodh hardly remembered his mother, who died on the trip over, and hardly wished to remember the rest of his family, or the cramped hovel they lived in as his father worked himself to death. Even at an early age, it was clear what his life held for him if he chose not to change his destiny. He never spoke with his family again after he left the house at 14, and though he does not talk of these dark times, in nearly 200 years he still hasn't moved out of Bay Ridge, the neighborhood in which he grew up. He joined the Daybreak Boys, an Irish gang, as a young teenager, and quickly gained a reputation for an inscrutable demeanor and fierce brutality. He earned the name Hobs, which he still uses to the present day, because of the hobnail boots he always wore that he used to stomp rivals to death. By the time he was 20, he had built a small empire of illegal trafficking and when his gang was broken up a few years later, he took over the business and began to rule Bay Ridge with an iron fist. He was instinctively clever, and a lifetime on the streets had made him perceptive to human nature, which kept him safe from the police, but also led him down darker paths. It didn't take long for him to begin having run ins with the Sabbat, but he cared little for their supernatural nature, and set his gang on running them out of his territory just the same. When he learned what their blood could do for them, the real terror for the vampires living nearby began. All this caught the eye of a younger Ravnos, who mistook Hobs' criminal activity for freedom, and embraced him to help keep out the Camarilla and Sabbat invading the city. Despite his Sire's misguided plan, and his death at his childe's hands soon after, he proved prophetic. His Unlife: Hobs's eyes were opened to a new world, but he began to run a war no different from that of his Kine gang. In the first year, he committed diablerie twice, and sent several more vampires to their final death. He cared nothing for the Sabbat's beliefs or the Camarilla's strictures. He found allies in the beginnings of the Anarch movement, but since they did little for him, he did nothing for them. It was only when the Camarilla had his childer staked and gang arrested that he finally began to make connections with those outside his control. Using his mortal connections, and the supernatural powers he had amassed, he formed a new gang of vampires defected from both sects, ghoul hunters, and mortals to handle day to day affairs. Along with others of the Anarch movement, they struck back, hard, and drove the Sabbat and Camarilla not only out of Bay Ridge, but out of Brooklyn entirely. Though he has a treaty with those who control other parts of the borough, and willingly fights outside influences with them, no one who lives very long turns their back on him. ==== Gang Members ==== === Michael Rossi === {{michaelrossi.jpeg?200}} **Clan/Bloodline:** Caitiff **Gen:** 11th **Allegience:** Anarch **Age:** 62 **Apparent Age:** 34 **Hair color:** Brown **Eye color:** Brown **Merits:** Concentrations, Bruiser, Bully boy, Enchanting voice **Flaws:** Thirst for Innocence, Recruitment Target, Old Flame, Cold Breeze **Background**: Michael was dangerous even before he was embraced. A stable life in a middle class family had done little to soften a sadistic nature. Good looking, lntelligent, and athletic, he naturally drew people to him, but never had real friends. Everyone who got close to him soon learned to fear him. His friends soon became those who would allow him to abuse them, or who were as callous as he was. He became a lawyer, got married, and started a family, all without feeling a single thing.It was his first encounter with a vampire that gave him the first thrill of his life. He witnessed a feeding, the death of a mortal, and felt the rush of his heart, the excitement of such violence. He picked up a shovel and in one blow torpored the unaware vampire. Just as it had drunk the mortal's blood, he drank its blood. That night, he became a hunter. It didn't take long for him to find an organization of like-minded people. Not much more than gangsters, but they knew far more than he. What he didn't realize was that the gang was actually run by Hobs, a vampire himself. On one of their expititions, they were ambushed, and most of his crew was killed. Only he in the end was embraced in an act of revenge, by a nameless, faceless vampire who left him to die. Hobs found him and took him in, only after making very clear to the sociopath who was really in charge. Michael now works for Hobs as both lawyer and enforcer.